Comprehensive list of NewCo Presenters' Twitter Accounts

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes
July 23, 2015

To help keep the conversation going, we decided to put together a comprehensive list of all NewCo speakers’ twitter profiles so you can setup a #startup Cincinnati group of people to follow.

This list is still work in progress so if you don’t find yourself on this list, please add a comment on our Facebook post on directly on this post and we will add you to the list asap.


Wendy Lea @WendySLea 

Candice Peters @CandiceNPeters

Neena Volk @NeeNee_Volk 

Jason Ruebel  @chefintegration 

Alex Bowman @abohw 

Trew Quackenbush @trewdat77 

JB Woodruff @jbwoodruff 

Giridhar @giri_axiom 

Alex Yastrebenetsky @alex_infotrust 

Chad Reynolds  @chadareynolds 

Justin Masterson @justinatseek 

Shawn Nason @Texasholdem2773 

Jack Weston @westonjack 

Barbara Hauser  @bhaus 

Joe Hansbauer @jhansbau

Thomas Dalziel, PhD @tomdalzielphd

Bob Gilbreath @mktgwithmeaning 

Jeff Busdieker @buz17 

Alex Burkhart @burk3113 

Alecia Kintner @aleciakintner 

Rebecca Bromels @rebeccabromels 

Mike Boberg @mike_boberg 

Chris Powell @xrispowell 

Allen Woods @wearemortar 

Derrick Braziel @derrickbraziel 

Stuart Aitken  @stuartwaitken  

Milen Mahadevan @milenm

Valerie Jacobs @futureglimmer  

Mike Roller @rollermt

Jeffrey Shepard @jeffreymshepard

Deborah Emont Scott @deborahescott1

Jon Nielsen @Jon_Nielsen

Andrew Salzbrun  @SalzberrySteak

Josh Heuser @Josh_Heuser

Ken Valuska @Steelval3

Tim Metzner @TMetzner

Dov Rosenberg @dovrosenberg

Andy Nielsen @nielsen_andy

Shawn Nason @xavierinnov8

Suprasanna Mishra @suprasannam

Josh Heuser  @josh_heuser

Caroline Creaghead @creagheadco

Charlie Key @zwigby

Rodney Williams @rodneybwilliams

Bo Schuerman @boschuerman

Rachel Mecklenborg   @rachmeck

Sameer Mungur @sameermungur

Jake Rouse @jacobrouse

Rod Robinson @rodrobinson

Abdullah Powell @abdullahpowell

Ares Marasligiller @aresmzone

Brandy Lockaby @bnlockaby

Dave Knox   @daveknox

David Grisim @yyzdavid

Adam Singer @adamsinger17

Jason Bender @bender00

Steve Caldwell @stevecaldwell

Mike Sarow @mike_sarow

Jason Roeper @jasonroeper

Chris Bergman @chrisbergman

Tonya Hurst @tonya_hurst

Becky Sroufe @beckysroufe

Stan Joosten @sjoosten

Jason Hauer @jasonhauer

Keri Dooley @kdools23

Kenny McNutt @kenny_MadTree

Greg Harmeyer   @TiER1Solutions

Dustin Shell  @dustinshell

Bret Kollmann Baker   @artifact_bret

Konrad Billetz  @kbilletz

Eric Avner @epavner


  • Alex Yastrebenetsky is a founder (and CEO) of InfoTrust. Known as "The Brain" (Pinky and the Brain) around the office, he enjoys traveling with his wife and young children.

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