Furloughed or Laid Off? Your InfoTrust Analytics Friends Can Help

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes
May 8, 2020
analytics marketing professionals furlough

As a human-to-human company, InfoTrust wants to be here for you as you move through any career transition. COVID-19 has thrown a lot of us for a loop, including analytics and software engineering professionals. We realize you may be facing reduced work, furloughs, or layoffs while also teaching your children, canceling summer vacations, and trying to wrap your head around this “new normal.”

You may also be wondering how to most-efficiently look for a new position or polish your skills; that’s where we can help.

InfoTrust is offering free training, resources, and contacts within our network—many of whom are hiring at this time.

Upskilling Resources

The “Repurpose, Retool, and Redeploy” framework, created by Priceline.com co-founder Jeff Hoffman, looks at the fundamental way that businesses and individuals can make the best of a pandemic. Part of “Retooling” includes asking:

  • How are we making ourselves stronger?
  • How are we upskilling?
  • How do we figure out what is in our toolbox, and what is missing or needs to be upgraded?

For more information on upskilling and an extensive list of free and affordable educational resources for analytics professionals, visit this recent post.

Why are we offering this? While we have no intention of going into recruiting services, the answer is a combination of two things; part one comes from “Redeploy.” InfoTrust grew its revenue by 70% last year, and our hiring team was ridiculously busy. However, as we’ve cautiously slowed down our own hiring during this pandemic, we have more capacity to help those in the industry.

Part two is our overall philosophy about dealing with the “Groundhog Day-like” events of the crisis. As a company, we are all about finding meaning in serving others. If you remember Bill Murray from Groundhog Day, he eventually got out of the repeating day cycle only when he started to selflessly serve those others—even though he knew they would not remember his help the next day.  

If we end up helping you, here is how you can repay us: simply let us know when you get a new job. Even better, help someone else after you land that new job. We’ll be grateful to hear your stories.

Interview Support

Resumé writing, interviewing, and career advice: our Head of Talent Acquisition, Lisa Wilms, wants to help! With 8+ years of experience in both agency recruitment and in hiring talent for InfoTrust, she is happy to provide any advice, answer job-search questions, or review your resumé.

[Note: Lisa is also keeping a list of resumés. If you would like your resumé to be included, she will share it with clients who ask for introductions to possible job candidates.]

Job Portal

This is simply a list of companies that we know are hiring. We have several connections with companies that are either our partners or in our network, and we want to make introductions where we can.

Free Webinar for Analytics and Engineering Job-Seekers (March 21)

Lisa and myself (as CEO of InfoTrust), are hosting a live webinar to go through the following job search topics:

  • Frequently-asked interview questions and the best way to prep for them.
  • “Do”s and “Don’t”s of looking for a marketing or analytics position
  • Networking—where to look and how to apply.

Talk to Our Analytics Professionals

Register now for our “Ask Us Anything” office hours, scheduled for 12-1 p.m. ET every Wednesday and Friday.


  • Alex Yastrebenetsky is a founder (and CEO) of InfoTrust. Known as "The Brain" (Pinky and the Brain) around the office, he enjoys traveling with his wife and young children.

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Last Updated: September 30, 2022