InfOlympics: How InfoTrust Combines Fun with Fitness for Community Impact

InfOlympics: How InfoTrust Combines Fun with Fitness for Community Impact

At InfoTrust, our commitment to giving back is deeply embedded in our company culture. We organize four give-back events throughout the year, each designed…

4-minute read
InfoTrust Earns Place on Fast 55 Recipient Roster by Cincinnati Business Courier

InfoTrust Earns Place on Fast 55 Recipient Roster by Cincinnati Business Courier

InfoTrust is excited to announce we once again were named as an honoree for the Fast 55 program from the Cincinnati Business Courier. This…

2-minute read
When in Cebu: A Gastronomic Dive into Filipino Work Culture

When in Cebu: A Gastronomic Dive into Filipino Work Culture

Imagine this: you’re an office-going, coffee-addicted American suddenly transplanted into the warm, communal canteen of an InfoTrust Philippines office in Cebu City. The experience?…

5-minute read
Community Impact: InfoTrust Volunteers Make a Difference at Rise Above Foundation

Community Impact: InfoTrust Volunteers Make a Difference at Rise Above Foundation

This March, ‌InfoTrust employees from the Cebu, Philippines office embarked on a heartfelt mission to provide sustenance and support to the most vulnerable members…

3-minute read
Building Connections and Community in Cebu: A Glimpse into InfoTrust’s Vibrant Culture

Building Connections and Community in Cebu: A Glimpse into InfoTrust’s Vibrant Culture

At InfoTrust, fostering connections and nurturing community spirit isn’t just a commitment; it’s a way of life. Over the past quarter, our efforts to…

4-minute read
I Met ‌Every Employee at My Company: Here’s What I Learned

I Met ‌Every Employee at My Company: Here’s What I Learned

It was December 2022. Another year was coming to a close, and I began to think about what 2023 might have in store. As…

6-minute read
Former Google Director Joins InfoTrust as Vice President of Advertising Platforms

Former Google Director Joins InfoTrust as Vice President of Advertising Platforms

BLUE ASH, OH — InfoTrust is pleased to announce that Roberto Ruju has joined as the new Vice President of Advertising Platforms. Ruju has…

2-minute read
Embracing Hope: InfoTrust’s Basket Brigade in Cebu, Philippines

Embracing Hope: InfoTrust’s Basket Brigade in Cebu, Philippines

Having been a part of InfoTrust for over a year now, it never fails to amaze me on the company’s unwavering commitment to social…

4-minute read
Empowering Change: InfoTrust’s Impact on Lean In and The Sandberg Goldberg Bernthal Family Foundation

Empowering Change: InfoTrust’s Impact on Lean In and The Sandberg Goldberg Bernthal Family Foundation

At InfoTrust, we are proud to partner with organizations that are dedicated to making a positive impact in the world. Today we’re highlighting the…

3-minute read
How the InfoTrust Team Helps Fight CHD with HeartWorks

How the InfoTrust Team Helps Fight CHD with HeartWorks

Congenital heart defects (CHD) cast a shadow on the lives of 1 in 100 babies, marking them the most common birth defects. Yet, amidst…

3-minute read
Making a Difference: InfoTrust Foundation and The Childhood League Center Partner for Community Good

Making a Difference: InfoTrust Foundation and The Childhood League Center Partner for Community Good

At InfoTrust,‌ using our success to give back to the communities we inhabit is a great part of our culture. This includes our team…

3-minute read
Basket Brigade 2023: Uniting Hearts, Nourishing Communities in Cincinnati

Basket Brigade 2023: Uniting Hearts, Nourishing Communities in Cincinnati

In the spirit of gratitude and giving, InfoTrust and our extended family joined hands with key community members including Jake McGinty from the Boys…

3-minute read

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