InfoTrust Author Profile

James Love

Jimmy Love is currently the Industry Team Manager for the Healthcare & Fitness Industry Team at InfoTrust. Jimmy was a contributor to InfoTrust’s Crawl, Walk, Run Amazon best-selling book series, and a speaker at the New York City Durability Summit. Jimmy works with some of the largest healthcare and fitness organizations in the world, helping them advance their digital analytics maturity in a forward-thinking and strategic manner.

When away from his desk, Jimmy enjoys attending Cincinnati Bearcats football and basketball games, and spending quality time with his beautiful wife and dogs.

Ensuring Google Analytics is Running Properly

Ensuring Google Analytics is Running Properly

Once you’ve pasted the necessary JavaScript code into the pages you wish to track with Google Analytics, there are a handful of ways to…

3-minute read
3 Steps to Conquer Social Media Overload

3 Steps to Conquer Social Media Overload

I think, it is safe to say that a lot of people agree that social media is an amazing way to communicate!  But, let’s…

4-minute read