In a world often driven by profits, I’m fortunate to work for a company that prioritizes giving back to the community. Being a part of InfoTrust, I’ve come to appreciate that the company’s commitment to social responsibility is not just a marketing slogan. It’s a core part of our identity. InfoTrust operates together with the InfoTrust Foundation, a nonprofit organization that was established with the sole purpose of making a positive impact in the communities where InfoTrust team members live and work.
The InfoTrust Foundation embodies the belief that success should be leveraged to give back to the communities in which InfoTrust team members live and work. At InfoTrust, we create miracles centered around these causes, actively living out our commitment to making a difference in these communities.
Basket Brigade: A Tradition of Care
The annual give-back event, aptly named, Basket Brigade, is an endeavor aimed at creating care packages for those in need. This year, InfoTrust’s Chicago office partnered with the Children First Fund, an organization dedicated to promoting the growth and success of Chicago Public Schools (CPS) through philanthropy and partnerships.
This year’s event unfolded over two days, October 10-11, which were significant for a couple of reasons. The event on October 10 was strategically scheduled during the DAA One Conference at the Chicago History Museum. This allowed attendees of the conference to participate during their break time, expanding the impact of our initiative.

The second packing event on October 11 took place at the InfoTrust Chicago Office, located in the Merchandise Mart. During this event, a representative from the Children First Fund joined us to provide insights into the organization’s mission and explain how the hygiene kits we were creating would make a significant difference.

Making a Difference Beyond the Classroom
Our partnership with the Children First Fund is especially meaningful as they focus on providing hygiene supply items to families and children in need. In a time when many families are facing hardships, even basic items like shampoo, conditioner, socks, scrunchies, and other essentials can have a profound impact.
The representative from the Children First Fund emphasized the significance of our initiative, stressing the critical role it plays in providing resources and whole-child support to newcomer students, many of whom have faced significant challenges, such as newly-arrived migrant students or those living in temporary situations. It became clear that CPS’ support extends far beyond the classroom, particularly in times of crisis, and the educational and personal growth of these students was at stake.
She further explained, “This remains a difficult time for our school communities—especially families who rely on Chicago Public Schools for more than an education. The same students who were at the greatest risk for experiencing the impacts of inequity before the pandemic—including students of color, students from limited-income backgrounds, English learners, and diverse learners, and more—were the most profoundly impacted by this historic crisis. The need continues, and the opportunity to make an impact is great. Your generosity, and that of many others, allows us to continue meeting these urgent needs as they arise for CPS families and school communities.”
Participating in the initiative was a deeply moving experience. It was heartwarming to be a part of the process of creating hygiene kits for families in need. These kits were thoughtfully put together and included essential items that would provide comfort and support to those who needed it the most. Alongside volunteers from the DAA One Conference, we collectively packed approximately 100 hygiene kits during the two-day event.
The kits included items like shampoo, conditioner, socks, scrunchies, and other basic hygiene products that many of us often take for granted but are indispensable for maintaining personal hygiene and dignity.
The significance of these kits extended beyond the physical items. They symbolized care, compassion, and a sense of community. In a world often marked by struggles and challenges, they represented a glimmer of hope and support.
A Testimony of Impact
The culmination of our efforts was the delivery of the hygiene kits to Chicago Public Schools. The individual who received the donation on behalf of CPS was visibly excited and expressed heartfelt gratitude. He mentioned that these kits would go a long way in helping families make their resources stretch over an entire month, a testament to the immediate impact of our heartwarming initiative.
Participating in the Chicago Office Give Back Event reaffirmed my belief in the power of collective action. This event, organized by InfoTrust and the InfoTrust Foundation in collaboration with the Children First Fund, demonstrates the significant impact a dedicated organization can have on its community.