InfoTrust has a Lean In group, which you may have read about in this article that featured the ever-awesome Pam! What is this “Lean In” group, you ask?
Each month, the women of InfoTrust get together for a one-hour meeting in which we discuss challenges facing females in the workplace. Yes, we lay the cards on the table about recent research, news happenings and even personal experiences.
Everyone has the opportunity to discuss and provide solutions or unique viewpoints. It’s an amazingly supportive, actions-focused group and I feel so lucky that I get to be a part of it, learning from my co-workers and even imparting my own sage wisdom on occasion.
I feel even luckier that the InfoTrust founders are so invested in Lean In being a part of our culture. And they’re not just talking the talk; they consult with the group on large company decisions that highly impact women. The most recent being the development of the company’s parental leave policy.
According to Sheryl Sandberg, the author of Lean In (you guessed it, the inspiration for Lean In groups!):
“43% of highly qualified women with children are leaving careers or off-ramping for a period of time.”
With the United States falling to the back of the pack on maternity leave, it’s no wonder that even women who may wish to remain in the workforce are instead faced with a very difficult choice: Give up your job or miss out on critical bonding time with your new child.
So when the question of ideal leave was proposed to our Lean In group, we discussed in-depth and then submitted our feedback. The response? InfoTrust’s parental leave policy, rolled out a few weeks ago, is among the best in the country!
InfoTrust’s Parental Leave Policy
Any new parent, mother or father and biological or adopted, receives:
- 12 weeks paid time off
- 12 weeks fully paid at a reduced schedule
- This allows for slowly ramping back up rather than making a hard switch back to full-time work. More time with family and less stress for all!
- Unlimited PTO, which can be utilized for pre-delivery medical leave
Interested in learning more about InfoTrust’s progressive benefits? Check out our open positions!