Culture Project: Showing Colleagues Gratitude

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes
December 17, 2015

The holidays are a perfect time to show how thankful you are for the people in your life. So at InfoTrust, we built a special culture project around that very sentiment. The challenge was simple; show your colleagues how grateful you are for them in a creative way.

The staff was split into three teams, given an allotted budget, and the brainstorming began! We knew the bar was set high from the teams last year (a big breakfast buffet, staff superlative awards, and other fun ideas) so we had to think outside the box.

Team One

Team One created a week-long murder mystery with clues hidden throughout the office. Ron Swanson’s love for riddles couldn’t hold a candle to how involved the staff got into solving this mystery.


Everytime we received an announcement that a clue was available, people would pop up from their desks and start combing the office. It also helped that each clue was accompanied with a gift cards to Starbucks, Subway, Amazon, and Nordstrom.


Not only was the murder mystery a fun game to look forward to each day, but it gave us the opportunity to find out more information about our colleagues. The clues forced us to ask each other questions and recall previous conversations we had to help narrow down who the culprit was.

In the end, Tyler pieced together that Pam, our sweet analyst and consultant, was indeed the murderer. Gotta’ watch out for the nice ones!

Team Two

Since we’ve moved into our new beautiful offices we’ve experienced some temperature control issues that force many of us to bundle up like we’re in Siberia. So Team Two figured it was time to take matters into their own hands while the maintenance folks worked on getting the problems ironed out.



Alex Sears modeling his brand new blanket wrap thingy

Not only are we warm, but now we look like a band of Jawas walking around the office. Needless to say, Team Two’s gratitude gifts were a huge hit with this Star Wars-obsessed-office.

Team Three

Team Three decided to show gratitude by giving the staff a fun experience. And since we consider each other a big extended family, they went ahead and hired a company to come set up a Family Feud game show on Friday afternoon.

The entire staff was split into two of the most famous holiday movie families ever; the McCallisters versus the Griswolds. The following video was presented during lunch to get everyone in the spirit of their character assignments:

Despite having several team members show up late to the game (classic McCallister move), the McCallisters pulled off a 34-31 win over the Griswolds.

And that’s another InfoTrust Culture Project in the books. Each team absolutely killed it with their creativity in showing appreciation towards their colleagues. It was a week filled with games, friendly competition, bonding, and presents.


  • Alex Yastrebenetsky is a founder (and CEO) of InfoTrust. Known as "The Brain" (Pinky and the Brain) around the office, he enjoys traveling with his wife and young children.

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