Our days get really busy. In fact, there are some days where we realize our coffee has gotten cold, our lunch is half-eaten and we’ve busted our way through a ton of work. We’re guessing this occasionally happens to you, too?
While we love getting super focused, it’s always a bit disappointing when there is an event or webinar that we really want to participate in but our day is a little too jam packed. That’s why we’re taking our most popular webinar of all time and turning it into a bi-weekly occasion!
Now you can pick the webinar date and time that works best for your schedule, because we know you ♪ don’t want to miss a thing ♪!
This webinar on Customer Centricity Through Integrated Data goes from the basics of “What is Customer Centricity” all the way through to implementation discussions. So why do you definitely want to catch one of these sessions and not miss out in Q4?
One customer we worked with on a customer centricity and integrated data project saw 130% increase in call center ROI following implementation. Now that’s some data-backed decision making that’s driving real organizational benefit!
Ready to sign up? Here’s our Q4 schedule:
We’ll see you there!