InfoTrust Foundation Assists Human Trafficking Prevention Organization with Data Needs

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February 18, 2022
Doing a Little Analytics Good: InfoTrust Foundation Assists Human Trafficking Prevention Organization with Data Needs

One of the many wonderful things about working at InfoTrust is knowing how passionate we are about helping other organizations achieve certain goals. Through the InfoTrust Foundation, I recently had the pleasure of assisting our client, Altus Now, with pro-bono work and the results were very well received. 

A Business for Good

Altus Now’s sole purpose is to build and scale the solutions needed to end and prevent human trafficking. Some key focus areas include: education, collaboration, and innovation—one of InfoTrust’s very own core values!

“More than 40 million individuals are presently being victimized by human trafficking—for forced labor, sexual exploitation, and organs,” says Founder & CEO Ashleigh Chapman. “At Altus, we believe that human trafficking does not have to exist in our world today. But it will take a world of people to end it. Prevention is key. And the key to prevention is to equip everyone in a position to recognize and respond to the signs of human trafficking in their local community … which is no small task.”

The InfoTrust project team helped Altus Now’s team set up Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager tracking for four sites. We provided guidance and support thanks to data analytics and dashboarding as well as brand-building, messaging, and market research. 

“With the custom solutions and recommendations from InfoTrust, the Altus Now team is better equipped to create and monitor our goals, understand our customers, and be ready to meet the needs of our diverse audiences,” Chapman says. “Although our technical team is currently small by comparison, our technical architecture and online needs are quite complex. InfoTrust helped us to navigate to solutions that fit our reality today and will help us as we grow.”

Bringing Light to Human Trafficking

Partnering with Altus Now was important to the InfoTrust Foundation as the cause weighs heavy on our hearts. Although Human Trafficking Awareness Month is in January, you can show your support year-round on their Justice U™ page, as well as read through stories and watch videos of this universal misfortune of individuals. 

“One of our first goals—which our work with InfoTrust is helping us enable—is to equip 1 million individuals through our online learning platform, Justice U™,” Chapman says. “Our free, one-hour, mobile-friendly course on Human Trafficking Awareness will equip you with the knowledge you need to better understand all forms of human trafficking, the vulnerabilities that drive it, and how to identify it and report it in your local communities. An hour of training can save a life.”

Want to Support the InfoTrust Foundation?

Our foundation is committed to helping a variety of causes through helping other nonprofits.
Last Updated: January 12, 2024