Finding The Best Place to Work: Seth Rujiraviriyapinyo

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes
November 22, 2016
Meet Seth
Meet Seth

After spending a year working for another company and feeling somewhat unfulfilled, Seth Rujiraviriyapinyo decided it was time for a change.

“I found that I wasn’t doing the work I wanted to be doing and I began searching for something more meaningful,” he says.

His search brought him to InfoTrust where he quickly learned it was a one-of-a-kind company with an unmatched opportunity to become one of the top experts in the world in the field of web analytics.

“I have a real affinity for web development and data analytics, so the position was a very exciting possibility for me,” he says.

With a degree in Software Engineering from the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, plus a background in lots of different web projects and hackathons, Rujiraviriyapinyo jumped on the chance to become part of the InfoTrust crew.

As an Analytics Engineer at InfoTrust, Rujiraviriyapinyo works closely with Google on some of the most complex analytics and advertising architectures available in the industry.

“At InfoTrust we say: If you want to become the best, you have to work with the best, and I am here to tell you it’s entirely true.” he says.

Rujiraviriyapinyo spends his days creating and managing Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics implementations. He’s a resource to answer technical questions and to handle a variety of software related issues for clients. His role also handles planning and developing new software to interact with Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager.

A typical day involves meetings to discuss progress with clients and future plans, working on implementations, using the GA/GTM APIs for automation tasks, and much more.

“I find all of the automation work I have done to be very rewarding,” he says. “It’s great to be able to take tasks that would take days or weeks to do by hand but be able to setup automation scripts that can perform the same tasks in just a few hours.”

He especially loves hearing from clients and customers who see the value in working with InfoTrust. For him and the rest of the team, that means what they’re doing is meaningful and valuable.

“We work really hard to show our clients and customers how fast and efficient our team can be,” he says. “We want them to know we have analysts who are great at providing real insights by reviewing and studying the data from Google Analytics.”

Rujiraviriyapinyo helps make the InfoTrust team the best in its field. Every day they tackle technical challenges, learn how things work, look over code, debug JavaScript, and build scalable systems for some of the largest websites in the world. The team handles cutting-edge technology and has access to technologies that are not available to the general public. And it all happens in an amazingly supportive environment.

“Unlike many other workplaces out there, InfoTrust does a great job of getting you up and running and involved in making a difference and providing meaningful value in a matter of days,” he says. “And that commitment lasts the entire time you’re part of the team.”

When Rujiraviriyapinyo went looking for new employment and landed at InfoTrust, he says he gained much more than just a job. He calls his work family and work culture second to none.

“InfoTrust is a great place to work because it is such a friendly and open workplace. Everyone works together to knock out tasks together and improve our client relations,” he says. “We have a culture unlike any other I’ve ever seen.”

Landing at InfoTrust was exactly the right move for Rujiraviriyapinyo. And he says if you are an awesome person, who is awesome at what you do, and want to work with other awesome people, InfoTrust is the right place for you, too.

Last Updated: July 19, 2023