Fantastic blog post by Guy Kawasaki – What I learned from Steve Jobs. Here are the bullet points, but I encourage you to read the entire article and then watch Art of The Start presentation below.
- Experts are clueless.
- Customers cannot tell you what they need. They can only describe their desires in terms of what they are already familiar with.
- Jump to the next curve. Big wins happen when you go beyond better sameness.
- The biggest challenges beget best work.
- Design counts. Best design typically wins
- You can’t go wrong with big graphics and big fonts.
- Changing your mind is a sign of intelligence.
- “Value” is different from “price.”
- A players hire A+ players.
- Real CEOs demo their products.
- Real CEOs ship. Nothing else matters if you cannot get things done.
- Bonus: Some things need to be believed to be seen
Read the whole thing:
Guy Kawasaki: The Art of The Start Presentation