Hands On Involvement With The InfoTrust Team

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes
January 3, 2013


InfoTrust is fully dedicated to supporting both its employees and the community.  I am lucky enough to be the double beneficiary of this generosity since I am both an employee and a charity director.  It’s hard to work here in the spring and not hear about Paige’s Princess Run 5k.

Some friends and I founded the charity shortly after my own daughter Paige passed away in 2010.  We work with Cincinnati Childlren’s Hospital Medical Center Occupational and Physical Therapy department to identify and help patients who need therapeutic services and equipment that are not covered by insurance.  We had the privilege of helping 45 local families in 2012 obtain services or equiopment that will help their disabled children reach their full potential.  Unfortunately, as in the case with many charities, we were out of money by the end of the year.

InfoTrust is always very interested in the Foundation and the children we help.  Being a digital marketing company, they were really fascinated at the use of the iPad as a therapeutic device.  Many therapists at Cincinnati Children’s have been incorporating the device into the therapy regimen as it improves many functional outcomes related to perception, fine motor skills and communication.  The iPad device is not covered by insurance, nor are the communication apps that also promote improvement.  When Alex and Michael heard that Paige’s Princess Foundation was out of money and had an iPad application waiting list, they could not have stepped in faster.  As Alex once said about our community involvement, “I don’t just want us to be writing a check, I want us to get invovled and do something”.

This was the perfect opportunity as two very grateful families came to the InfoTrust offices to pick up their new iPad device.  InfoTrust is a growing part of the Cincinnati business community and takes community service very seriously.  While we work to volunteer our services in many different ways throughout the year, getting to meet some families where we could help will always remind us of why it is so important to give and to care.


Last Updated: July 27, 2023