For the past five years, “InfoTrust Week” has been an annual tradition at our company. Team members from around the world travel to Cincinnati (home to InfoTrust’s headquarters) to connect, set goals, learn about what’s to come, and participate in activities that bring us closer together.
This year, more than 100 employees gathered together at the Delta Hotel for our first in-person event since 2019. Many team members had the opportunity to meet for the first time in-person during InfoTrust Week.
Lead Tag Governance Specialist James Bryan Gonzales said he was glad to finally shake hands with those he’d only seen on Zoom.
“It allowed me to talk to them and build an in-person connection with them,” he said. “Additionally, I was excited to see the vision of the company for the next few years and we’re looking forward to contributing in making it happen.”
Over the course of the week, InfoTrusters spent time learning about being better than who we were yesterday and playing the “infinite game,” as well as how companies should go beyond their day-to-day business and instead help the world in a very real way.
This came to life as we reviewed the next version of our Vivid Vision (a detailed, three-year aspirational plan), core values, strategy, and InfoTrust Foundation commitment for not only 2022, but through 2025.
“InfoTrust Week allowed the entire team to see and meet each other in person and finally remove ourselves from the 2-D Zoom world we’d been living in due to the pandemic,” Health & Fitness Industry Team Lead Jimmy Love said. “Nothing excites me about the future more than our ‘Give to Grow’ initiative—our ongoing success is someone else’s miracle!”

InfoTrust Founders Alex Yastrebenetsky and Michael Loban spent much of the week explaining where they want to take the business and what our true purpose is.
“Our mission as an organization is built on the principles of finding meaning through what we get to contribute as a result of running a successful, profitable business,” Yastrebenetsky said. “What we get to contribute to the lives of our team members and their families. What we get to contribute as global leaders in our industry. What we get to contribute as citizens of this world. Our mission is to continue building a values-based, purpose-driven company.”

When InfoTrusters weren’t engaging in discussions around the Vivid Vision or their own strengths, we were breaking bread together and learning more about one another—evenings were spent away from the hotel enjoying team dinners, a riverboat cruise on the Ohio River, as well as a puzzle crawl in the OTR neighborhood.

“After spending time together during InfoTrust Week, it became apparent just how important we as employees are to the company,” Associate Analytics Engineer Wesley Davis said. “There was a lot of talk about culture and what the future held for all of us, and to me it felt like those two things were one and the same. Growing together felt like the theme of the week, and going forward I am excited to see how we all play a part in the new endeavors the company is taking on.”
As we head back to the office (both physically and virtually), we’d like to take a moment and thank our guest speakers. Brian Brault walked us through the power of values, and explained how clarity of vision and certainty of intent can move us collectively and personally toward our goals. Jamie Douraghy helped us each better understand our individual strengths, as well as how they compliment each other in a team setting.
In wrapping up this recap, we’ll leave you with some words of affirmation promoted by our Chief Growth Officer, Michael Loban. As Loban shared, so many of us are quick to deflect a compliment when one is given to us, or shy away from ownership of the wonderful job you did. Instead, join us in embracing the positive feedback by declaring, “It’s who I am, it’s what I do!”
For a glimpse into our week, watch this video.