eConsultancy is one of our favorite digital marketing websites and marketing research companies, always providing industry leading information on all that is new with digital marketing. Here are some very interesting statistics just published on eConsultancy blog.
- Just over a third of businesses (34%) are unable to calculate the revenue earned from email marketing, according to a new survey from the DMA.
- Almost three out of four businesses (71%) plan to increase their digital marketing budgetsthis year, according to stats included in the new Econsultancy/Responsys Marketing Budgets 2013 Report.
- 70% said their companies would be increasing the amount spent on content marketing.
- Mynewsdesk has released a report looking at how the world’s top 100 brands are using online newsrooms. It found that 35% of newsrooms contain information (such as executive bios, annual reports, fact sheets and product listings) that was out of date.
- One of the areas where brands fell down was when it came to providing effective contact details for visitors with 26% failing to do this and 45% leaving out contact details on press releases. The option to sign up for company updates was often lacking, with 70% of newsrooms failing to include any sort of email alerts.
- 3 most talked about brands by category
(Image Source: eConsultancy)
- A new study from the Internet Advertising Bureau’s (IAB) shows that the key challenges currently facing the media industry are responsive web design and mobile privacy with 53% claiming to have no experience in these areas.
- More than half (58%) of US mobile phone users have asked for purchase advice or engaged in “showrooming” via these devices when in stores, according to a report from Pew Internet.
- How would you describe the level of digital knowledge in your organization
(Image Source: eConsultancy)
Here is the link to the full article –