Internal Training is Back at InfoTrust!

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes
December 7, 2012

One thing everyone asks me about during the interview process for InfoTrust is training.  And, of course, I respond that we love and value internal training.  After all, it’s the only way to stay on top of technology, and a digital marketing company would certainly need to stay on top of technology.  I add that we even have a training session during lunch every other Friday.  However, and I think this applies to many small businesses, we have been so busy taking care of current business lately that our training schedule has been a casualty.  We all know how important it is, but it is also one of the first things to fall off the radar for “real” work.

I am happy to report that Info Trust has gotten our priorities back in line.  Not only did we find time to volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House last week and celebrate Thanksgiving in our office, but we also re-established “lunch and learn”.  Lunch is the obvious choice for a captivated audience because we already try to eat together every Friday (really every day).  And, it’s presenter’s pick for the menu.

Amin brought us back to internal training life last week with a great lesson on HubSpot blogging tool (which is how I am currently blogging this—because I listened during our training).  Next week, Jimmy is on deck to teach us about Using Twitter Effectively.  We will rotate through our entire staff and double back around.  It’s great practice for presenting and sharing knowledge and letting your co-workers see you shine.   At InfoTrust, you don’t even necessarily have to present on a work-related topic.  We love presentations on cooking, hobbies, Call of Duty (Andrew) and anything that people find interesting.  Frankly, you just never know what you don’t know.

Happy Training, folks!  And, while we were remiss in internal training recently, we are always a head of the game in terms of providing FREE educational workshops and presentations in the community.  Take a look at our upcoming training schedule check out and learn


Last Updated: September 6, 2023