My Experience During My Time on Co-op at InfoTrust!

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes
July 13, 2015

Over the next couple of weeks, we will have different co-ops share their experience to date here at InfoTrust. Hope you enjoy!


Evan Cohen 
Digital Marketing Co-op
3rd Year Marketing Major, IT & Entrepreneurship Minor
University of Cincinnati

I have been at InfoTrust for the past six months, and over that time I have learned a lot of things. I have added new skills, improved current skills, and learned things I didn’t think I would ever learn on my co-op. It has been a very enjoyable experience, so let me dive right into it.

One of the most important things that was assigned to me as an intern was ordering lunch for the office, every day. Now, this is viewed by many as the most important part of their day, so there was a lot of pressure on me to make sure all of the orders were correct each and every day. The last thing I wanted to do was ruin someone’s day by forgetting their order. Thankfully, that didn’t happen under my watch! I learned a lot by ordering lunch, but one of the most important things I learned was managing my time to make sure lunch was always in the office on time! The lessons of time management have transitioned over to my work. It has taught me to make sure I get my projects in on time, so I don’t have an angry manager or hungry co-workers!

A platform that I have been lucky enough to learn has been the HubSpot Marketing Platform. One of the greatest things about working at InfoTrust is they trust you, even if you are a lowly intern like myself! They gave me the reigns to manage their email marketing and event marketing about two weeks after I started. Through this, I was able to become very familiar with the HubSpot platform, which is currently being used by 15,000+ companies worldwide! I have really enjoyed the freedom to be able to learn a new product from scratch, something more employers should let their interns do!

Only two more things so hang in there!

My biggest take away from InfoTrust is…….

gifs make everything better. Period. No doubt about it. How can you not like them?!



Yea… gifs are pretty awesome!

Soooo…. now that you have looked at those for a couple of minutes, lets finish this post out strong!

In addition to the first three, being able to become a better marketer has been awesome! When I joined the team in January, I had a little experience using Adobe Creative Cloud, outside of Photoshop, which I was pretty familiar with. Now, I consider myself pretty competent with Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and After Effects (Humble Brag). With these tools, I have been able to make some pretty cool marketing materials such as: The Marketer’s Infographic to Tag ManagementThe Marketer’s Guide to Tag Management, and Introducing Connect: Cost Data Made Easy. I have also become a better writer. I used to hate writing, but now I really enjoy it! My high school English teacher would be in shock that I just said those words.

I have learned a lot here and I’m looking forward to expanding my knowledge further before my Co-op experience is over. Now I will stop rambling!

Thank you for reading my post. If you have any questions or comments, you can email me at or shoot me a tweet @evcohen2!

If you are interested in working at InfoTrust, check out our career page here!


We are Hiring!


  • Alex Yastrebenetsky is a founder (and CEO) of InfoTrust. Known as "The Brain" (Pinky and the Brain) around the office, he enjoys traveling with his wife and young children.

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