3 Steps to Conquer Social Media Overload

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

I think, it is safe to say that a lot of people agree that social media is an amazing way to communicate!  But, let’s face it, social media can also be very overwhelming.  What do we post on Facebook? Should we get a Twitter account? When should I Tweet? We already have a Facebook page so do we need a Google + page? Should I have a YouTube Channel? Does Foursquare make sense for our business? How can Pinterest benefit a b2b company?  Do we need a business profile for LinkedIn? How do we get people to read our blog? How do we monitor what everyone is saying? I think you get the picture.

social media strategy

According to MarketLand, Enterprise-level corporations — those with 1,000 or more employees — are managing an average of 178 company-owned social media accounts each.   When you think about it, it really can be overwhelming.   Most companies do not have a planned solution for “overload” and yet it continues to grow year after year. As social media platforms continue to expand,  the need to have a clear social media marketing plan is just as necessary as a traditional marketing plan.   So, the big question becomes how do you conquer social media overload? Just like everything else, it starts with goals and objectives.

1. Social Media Goal Setting and Objectives

Whether or not you are already overloaded or just dipping your toes into social media and are overwhelmed by your options, the first step is to define your goals and objectives.  The below chart from a 2011 Marketing Sherpa report on Top Social Media Objectives gives you a good overview of key social media objectives to help you refine your objectives or set new ones.

social media usage research

Once you have determined your key objectives it will help you narrow down what social media platform works best for your business.

2. Education and Resources

Regardless of the number of social media platforms your business participates in, it still gets back to the basics – Education.  If you or your team do not know the basic features and applications of the platform or tool that you are using, you may find yourself “overwhelmed”.  Well-known sites like www.socialmediaexaminer.com and www.socialmediatoday.com  provide a wealth of information to help you learn how to use a wide range of social media platforms.  However, if you have a large staff or multiple departments using social media you may want to consider hiring a social media trainer to help you allocate your resources effectively.

If you would like help trying to assess your training needs and business goals, InfoTrust has an additional Training Needs Assessment Questionnaire available to help you outline your requirements and goals.

3. It’s Just Social Media

At a previous job, I had a particular stressful moment with our company’s music-on-hold project and the customer service representative on the other end said “Relax, its Just Music-On-Hold.”  I have to say, that is some of the best advice I have ever received.  So, when you are overwhelmed and bogged down by social media overload just remember to say to yourself “It’s Just Social Media.”   And, then remember to go back to the basics and determine your Goals and Objectives and investigate Educational Opportunities and Resources.

If you want to talk more about Social Media Overload and how training can help, shoot me an e-mail at jimmy@infotrustllc.com.

Article written by James Love


  • James Love

    Jimmy Love is currently the Industry Team Manager for the Healthcare & Fitness Industry Team at InfoTrust. Jimmy was a contributor to InfoTrust’s Crawl, Walk, Run Amazon best-selling book series, and a speaker at the New York City Durability Summit. Jimmy works with some of the largest healthcare and fitness organizations in the world, helping them advance their digital analytics maturity in a forward-thinking and strategic manner.

    When away from his desk, Jimmy enjoys attending Cincinnati Bearcats football and basketball games, and spending quality time with his beautiful wife and dogs.

Originally Published: January 25, 2012

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March 15, 2023
Originally published on January 25, 2012

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