Google Analytics had over 70 product updates and feature releases just this past year, with 14 new updates presented during the Google Analytics Summit back in October! The amount of whitelists, betas and innovative new reporting features the Google Analytics team is pushing can be overwhelming and hard to keep up. Luckily, Google Analytics Academy was created to help analysts keep up!
Google Analytics Academy and Certification Program
With new updates constantly released in Google Analytics, the team over at Google in Mountain View created a virtual Academy to learn more about new reports, new functionality and tracking features available, and how to analyze the data you’re capturing in new ways. You will now be able to fully leverage and understand any and all reports in Google Analytics.
There’s also a “Digital Analytics Fundamentals” course released by Justin Cutroni describing new Google Analytics features and updates as well as overall basics with web analytics.
Want to learn more about new features with Google Analytics? Check out our free upcoming webinars by clicking below!