Recent updates to Google Tag Manager now allows event tracking to be set up without needing to write any custom javascript code (unlike before). By using the new Event Listener tag, you can tell Tag Manager when you want to listen for events, and then write detailed rules for what to do when an event happens.
Auto-event Tracking with Google Tag Manager
The new auto-event tracking ability in Google Tag Manager allows site owners to track more events for Google Analytics and answer questions like how long are visitors staying on a particular page? How are they interacting with interactive elements like image carousels? How many are clicking the Contact Me button? How many are clicking outbound links? Increasingly, site analytics are incomplete without answers to questions like these.
For a detailed guide how to set this up, check out Justin Cutroni’s blog on setting up Auto-Event Tracking for Google Analytics using Google Tag Manager. Also, make sure to register for our upcoming events by clicking below.