InfoTrust Author Profile

Hong Cheng

Hong Cheng is currently a digital analytics consultant at InfoTrust. In this role, she helps D2C and retailer clients collect robust data across platforms and devices. She is committed to helping clients have a solid tag implementation, an essential first step for making data-driven decisions. She is a life-long analytics learner, digital marketing enthusiast, and she always wants to learn more about consumers and businesses.
Google Analytics Benchmarking Feature: Key Benefits and How to Get Started

Google Analytics Benchmarking Feature: Key Benefits and How to Get Started

Benchmarking has been a long-anticipated feature since the release of the new Google Analytics. Many of my clients were asking for it—and now it’s…

3-minute read
Beyond the Basics: Deep Dive into Google Analytics 4’s Bounce Rate, Engagement Rate, and Engaged Sessions

Beyond the Basics: Deep Dive into Google Analytics 4’s Bounce Rate, Engagement Rate, and Engaged Sessions

You’ve probably come across the notion that Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Universal Analytics (UA) are distinct platforms, despite both being products of Google….

3-minute read
Completing the Measurement Puzzle: A Closer Look at Google Analytics 4 and Quantum Metrics

Completing the Measurement Puzzle: A Closer Look at Google Analytics 4 and Quantum Metrics

Many businesses own both Google Analytics (GA) and Quantum Metrics (QM) as part of their analytics deck. As leading analytics platforms, users can take…

4-minute read
(Not Set) in Google Analytics 4 Landing Page Report: Causes and Solutions

(Not Set) in Google Analytics 4 Landing Page Report: Causes and Solutions

Recently, InfoTrust consultants have received many questions related to (not set) in the Google Analytics (GA4) landing page reports. Whenever clients see a large…

4-minute read
3 Tracking Features Retailers Are Implementing and Asking For

3 Tracking Features Retailers Are Implementing and Asking For

E-commerce websites are constantly evolving to keep up with changing consumer preferences and technology advancements. As a result, we are seeing an increasing number…

4-minute read
The Journey from Academic Librarian to Digital Analytics Consultant

The Journey from Academic Librarian to Digital Analytics Consultant

Switching careers is hard. When you’re also moving to a new industry in a role that is totally different from anything you’ve ever done,…

4-minute read

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