One of the first things I learned when I joined the InfoTrust team is that we take advantage of every opportunity we have to give back to our community. Not only do we have a variety of Community Service events scheduled throughout the year, but service initiatives are included in our company goals each quarter.
Over the last few months, I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to organize some of the Community Service events for our team. With this “role”, and the help of the entire InfoTrust team, we were able to make an impact on Homeless Veterans in our local community last month.

The Plan
Although all of our team members get pumped when we have an opportunity to help our community, we realized that each person is likely to have a service opportunity that they value the most. Whether we’re targeting the homeless population, local veterans, or animals, we knew that we had to get a list together to help us get started.
With that, we started this quarter off by identifying 5 key categories that we could target and prioritized them based on feedback from the team and the overall value that we could provide. This allowed us to identify our third quarter service project as well as populate a list of other opportunities for 2017.
The InfoTrust Q3 Service Project
After reviewing everyone’s feedback, I noticed that veterans and the local homeless community were mentioned often by our team. Luckily, I’ve previously worked with the Cincinnati VA Medical Center during our Thanksgiving Basket Brigade, so I had a great place to start and an even better team at the VA to work with.
The volunteers down at the Cincinnati VA suggested that creating care packages, that they could then distribute to the veterans, would have a great impact on the community. So with the help of the VA and our team, we created a list of items and worked together to construct backpacks full of awesomeness for the VA to distribute.

Once complete, we were able to drop them off downtown at the VA office and see first hand how pumped they were about our project. Big thanks to the Cincinnati VA as well as the entire InfoTrust team for going above and beyond to help with this activity!
With the start of Q4 and the holidays quickly approaching, our team has already kicked off our annual Thanksgiving Basket Brigade, where we aim to construct and donate 60 Thanksgiving meals to families in the Cincinnati region. Our annual service events, as well as our service activities each quarter, help us ensure that we’re not only doing amazing Google Analytics work on a daily basis, but also going above and beyond to help out in our community.