Lists You Shouldn't Miss: Getting Started with WordPress

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes
January 27, 2012

Whether you are completely new to WordPress or a seasoned pro, you will always need to stay ahead by learning the latest and greatest WordPress features. There are so many WordPress resources out there that it can be intimidating to rummage through the internet to find truly useful tips! We thought it would be helpful to identify a list of the best WordPress beginner blogs and learning resources that consistently post quality material.

1. WP101

wp101 wordpress site

WP101 includes easy to follow video WordPress resources including:

    • What is WordPress?
    • or
    • How to Install WordPress
    • The Dashboard

Not all videos are free, but the ones that are free give a great introduction to WordPress. Visit or subscribe.

2. WPBeginner

wp beginner wordpress site

WPBeginner has a great 6 step guide for creating your first self-hosted WordPress blog as well as other topics including:

    • How to Install and Setup WordPress SEO Plugin
    • How to Install and Setup W3 Total Cache for Beginners
    • 13 Vital Tips and Hacks to Protect Your WordPress Admin Area

3. WPCandy

wp candy  wordpress site

General WordPress news including updates for popular themes and plugins. Some topics:

    • and .com Join the SOPA Protests with Blackouts
    • Gravity Charge with Integrate with WooCommerce
    • How to Manage a Proper Multi-author WordPress Blog
Visit WPCandy or subscribe.

4. SpeckyBoy

speckyboy wordpress site

Speckyboy includes basic theme tutorials, theme collections, plugin collections, and other useful goodies.

    • 10 WordPress Plugins to Help Optimize Performance
    • 30 Fresh Minimal WordPress Themes (2011 Edition)
    • Top 10 Social Bookmarking Plugins for WordPress

5. HongKiat

hongkiat wordpress site

In addition to design and blogging tips, Hongkiat has a section dedicated for WordPress which includes everything from development to free plugins. Among some of their topics are:

    • WordPress Search: Useful Plugins and Snippets
    • Beginner’s Guide to WordPress Plugin Development
    • Free Slideshow Plugins For WordPress – Best Of

Visit or subscribe.

6. WPMods

wp mods wordpress site

WP Mods focuses on WordPress modification, maintenance and customization. Some topics include:

    • Many WordPress Theme Stores Are Violating The General Public License
    • Create a Sales Page Easily With The Convertible Landing Page WordPress Theme
    • Essential WordPress Plugins

7. WordPress Codex

 wordpress site codex

The Codex is one of the most important resources when it comes to learning WordPress. It is WordPress’s own documentation that contains information from beginner to advanced developer. Some beginner topics include:

    • Getting Started with WordPress
    • New To WordPress- Where to Start
    • WordPress in Your Language
    • Creating and Using Posts
    • Using Permalinks

Did we miss any?

What were your favorite resources when learning WordPress? Did we miss some important ones? We hope these websites can help you further your WordPress knowledge! If you would like to learn more, check out our training offerings.

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Blog post written by Michael Loban


  • Michael Loban is the CMO of InfoTrust, a Cincinnati-based digital analytics consulting and technology company that helps businesses analyze and improve their marketing efforts. He’s also an adjunct professor at both Xavier University and University of Cincinnati on the subjects of digital marketing and analytics. When he's not educating others on the power of data, he's likely running a marathon or traveling. He's been to more countries than you have -- trust us.

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Last Updated: October 18, 2023