Lead Analytics Consultant Mai AlOwaish Honored with DAA President’s Award

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minute
October 23, 2019
DAA President's Award Mai AlOWaish InfoTrust

At InfoTrust, our team works not only to grow our business and community, but also to further the digital analytics industry as a whole. That said, we are incredibly excited to share that one of our own, Lead Analytics Consultant Mai AlOwaish, is the recipient of the 2019 Digital Analytics Association President’s Award.

Presented to Mai during this evening’s Quanties ceremony at DAA OneConference, the President’s Award is given to an individual with exemplary volunteer service and impact to the DAA. Mai has been specially-recognized for her generous and outstanding work within the DAA’s Women in Analytics community and its initiatives, including the Supporting Women in Tech maturity model for companies. 

Mai also has been recognized for her thought leadership on mobile app analytics, contributions to DAA webinars, and presentations at Web Analytics Wednesday.

Please join the entire InfoTrust team in celebrating this extraordinary accomplishment by Mai AlOwaish, and thank you to the DAA for recognizing such a fantastic representative within our industry. Be sure to check out some of Mai’s most recent articles by clicking below.

Last Updated: September 23, 2022