Special #GiveToGrow Announcement for Our Book Launch

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October 6, 2020
InfoTrust Foundation donation books

As part of our “Give to Grow” mentality at InfoTrust, the team created InfoTrust Foundation in 2018 with an aim to maximize our impact in the communities in which we live and work.

Thus far in 2020, the InfoTrust Foundation has donated $116,852.61 to a number of causes, but there is so much more we want to do and give. For example, consider these numbers related to causes we already support:

  • Rescuing a child from human trafficking and sex slavery via Operation Underground Railroad requires a $1,200 donation
  • The Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center’s new critical care building comes with a price tag of $600 million.
  • According to Feeding America, the U.S. is facing a shortage of up to 8 billion meals over the next year.

If you’re like me, these numbers are jarring to read. No matter what you do or give, there’s always a numb feeling that it won’t be enough.

I’ve held numerous conversations about philanthropy and contribution with my friend and mentor, Jeff Hoffman. Jeff taught me a very important lesson: remember the story about the little boy and the starfish.

We may not be able to throw every starfish laying on the sand back in the water. But it does not mean that we should not try, because what we can do and what we will do is going to make a difference and save the life of every starfish that we do touch.

With that story in mind, I’m thrilled to share some of the contributions the InfoTrust Foundation has been able to make in 2020: 

  • Donated $10,000 to an orphanage in Uganda
  • Provided a $10,000 grant to a pandemic-impacted small business
  • Donated $12,000 donation to Operation Underground Railroad to rescue 10 children from human trafficking and sex slavery
  • Donated $40,000 to the creation and collection of PPE and masks in Cincinnati
  • Donated $13,000 to pandemic-impacted veterans students

Give to Grow

As our next step, I am proud to share that 100% of sales revenue (not profits) of our new book, Crawl, Walk, Run: Advancing Analytics Maturity with Google Marketing Platform, will be donated to the InfoTrust Foundation. 

And to stay true to our “Give to Grow” principle, we’re taking the first step today. To celebrate the book launch, we, as a company, just donated $20,000 to the InfoTrust Foundation. Together as a team we will decide which causes are supported with these funds. 

What’s more, for the 2020 fiscal year, we have committed to donating 25% of InfoTrust’s profitability to the InfoTrust Foundation. 

Please join us in making a difference by purchasing a book today or by donating directly to the InfoTrust Foundation


  • Alex Yastrebenetsky

    Alex Yastrebenetsky is a founder (and CEO) of InfoTrust. Known as "The Brain" (Pinky and the Brain) around the office, he enjoys traveling with his wife and young children.

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Last Updated: October 6, 2020

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