Top Tweets From the Digital Summit in Atlanta, Georgia

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes
May 15, 2012

Last Wednesday and Thursday, the InfoTrust team made a trip down to Atlanta, Georgia for the second annual Digital Summit.  Taken from their website, this was “Atlanta’s largest Web, Digital Marketing, Social Media and Innovation Conference.  Hundreds upon hundreds gathered to hear dozens of industry thought leaders on topics such Customer Engagement, Mobile & Location, Social Media, Usability, Online Advertising, Search Marketing, Analytics, Email, Ecommerce, Online Video and much more.”  Our own Michael Loban was a speaker at this event and discussed Social Media ROI using Web Analytics.

Twitter was the obvious choice of communication among attendees, and nearly everyone contributed to the hashtag #DSUM12.  So we decided to pull the top tweets from the Digital Summit and this hashtag, enjoy!

“Modern attention spans won’t tolerate paragraphs, sentences, words or characters anymore. They prefer visuals and images”

David Felfoldi @felfoldi

“60% of online video views click away from a video in the first 120 seconds. Short is good”

Virtue @virtue

“Takes 60 minutes after leaving your wallet at home to realize it. It only takes 15 minutes to realize you’ve left your phone.”

Alex Topiler @topularity

“A brand sits at the intersection of what a company does, and how the consumer feels about it.”

J Cornelius @jc

“Whatever you are thinking, think bigger.”

Tony Hsieh

“The customer is the number one sales person for your company. Why? They bought your product.”

Write2Market @Write2Market

“Your smartphone is now a store (and more) in your pocket.”

JR Schmitt @cloudspark

“Culture is the one competitive advantage a company can control.”

David Cummings @davidcummings

“A hashtag is a campfire that Twitter users gather around.”

Joel Lunenfeld @joell

“Customers expect companies to have a personality now; must change the way we think about engagement.”

Candace McCaffery @candacemcc

Did we miss any?  Let us know in the comments section!  For questions or if you want more information, feel free to contact me at

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  • Amin Shawki

    Amin is Head of Growth at InfoTrust and comes from humble beginnings as a Social Media Intern. Wearing multiple hats and having had multiple roles, including most notably starting and leading the expansion in Dubai, UAE for InfoTrust, Amin enjoys working with the international team across many different clients and projects to drive growth and new innovations for the company. Never against a chill night playing some Settlers of Catan but always up for an adventure to try new things.

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