In our trip down to Atlanta, Georgia, for the Digital Media Summit, there was a repeating pattern of the connections between User Experience, Social Media, Location, Mobile, SEO, Analytics, and Marketing. There was a great balance of each topic, but the importance of the analytical side of design and user experience could easily be lost. To re-emphasize some of those points, we’ve put together a nice list of some quick tips in regard to User Experience from the amazing speakers at Digital Summit.
“Design is subjective but UX can validate success. Deploy – measure – improve. This is an endless loop”
Jonathan Karron @jonathanatlanta
“The keyword I’m hearing again and again at #dsum12 is “personalized.” User-centered design and #UX has won.”
Joseph Dickerson @josephdickerson
“@truste: Privacy by design: transparency, usability baked into UX must make it easy for users to keep their data private.”
Adam Hook @adamwritesgood
“When comes to UX, Designers must understand analytics. Analysts must understand design. @mickwinters”
Courtney Morton @CourtMortATL
“UX is the new black RT@iwanttobesocial: Product development shifts as people start to expect more and more from user experience.”
Jacqui Chew @jacquichew
“As design becomes commoditized, measurement driven optimization heightens the value of creative work.”
David Reeves @DavidReevesATL
“A/B testing should be a never-ending piece of the design cycle”
West Reed @WEST_REED
“The longer you inveset in design without validating its success, the greater the sub optimal ROI”
Simon Cole @simonjcole
“iPad=entertainment, iPhone=immediacy. Don’t adjust the current site, design the site specifically 4 the device.”
Bill Sullivan @nexxus1990
“Great design creates usability. Design without usability is just art.”
Did we miss any? Let us know in the comments! For any other questions, please email