Welcoming Three New Employees – Kevin, Alyssa & Divya

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May 5, 2014

InfoTrust is excited to announce three new hires! Kevin Chamberlin, Alyssa Argenti and Divya Narayan have all started in the past month. Kevin will be joining the sales team, Alyssa the marketing team and Divya the web development team.

InfoTrust Three New Hires Kevin Alyssa Divya

Kevin, Alyssa and Divya, respectively. Check out their funny hover pictures on our About Us page!

Let’s get to know our new hires, shall we?

Kevin Chamberlin

Kevin went to high school at Boone County High School in Kentucky and graduated from Eastern Kentucky University. He recieved a CIW (Certified Internet Webmaster) certification at New Horizons in Blue Ash, and has been Adwords Certified since 2007.

Favorite sports team: Kentucky Basketball, Cincinnati Reds, Cincinnati Bengals, New York Yankees

Favorite movie: Forrest Gump – it shows you can accomplish anything they put their mind to.

Favorite vacation destination: Sarasota, FL. Golfers paradise!

Quote that I live by: “I either like someone or I do not know them yet.”

Alyssa Argenti

Alyssa attendeed Hover High School in North Canton, Ohio. She’s currently double majoring at the University of Cincinnati in Marketing and International Business. She’s also earning her certificate in Public Relations at UC.

Favorite sports team: Chicago Bears. Family is from Chicago and my hometown is where the NFL Hall of Fame is located –  football is basically in my blood!

Favorite movie: Any of the Batman movies with Christian Bale – who doesn’t love a good action/superhero movie?

Favorite vacation destination: I’m always down to visit Chicago – that’s my favorite city, but my family goes to Door County, WI every summer and there’s more outdoorsy activities like boating, fishing and bike trails that I love too! Really I just love to travel!

Quote that I live by: “Life is mostly froth and bubble but two things stand like stone – kindness in anothers trouble and courage in your own” – Princess Diana

Divya Narayan

Divya attended St. Patrick’s Junior College in Agra, India. For her undergrad, she attended Jaypee University of Information Technology in Solan, India. She earned a Bachelor of Technology in Biotechnology. Currently Divya is in grad school at the Carl H. Lindner College of Business at the University of Cincinnati, pursuing a Master’s of Science in Information Systems.

Favorite sports team: Indian Cricket Team… Cricket is almost religion in India and this is the national team for cricket. 🙂

Favorite movie: I love a bunch of Indian Bollywood movies.The Pursuit of Happiness is one of my Hollywood favorites as it has an inspirational touch to how a man rises from rags to riches. Frozen is my latest favorite – loved the beautiful animation! All Harry Potters and the likes in fiction are all time favorites, they give me a time off from reality.

Favorite vacation destination: just about any warm beach with friends and family

Quote that I live by: “Where there’s a Will, there’s a Way.”


  • Jimmy Love is currently the Industry Team Manager for the Healthcare & Fitness Industry Team at InfoTrust. Jimmy was a contributor to InfoTrust’s Crawl, Walk, Run Amazon best-selling book series, and a speaker at the New York City Durability Summit. Jimmy works with some of the largest healthcare and fitness organizations in the world, helping them advance their digital analytics maturity in a forward-thinking and strategic manner.

    When away from his desk, Jimmy enjoys attending Cincinnati Bearcats football and basketball games, and spending quality time with his beautiful wife and dogs.

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