What is Google Analytics 360 and Who Should Consider Purchasing a License?

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes
August 24, 2021
What is Google Analytics 360 and Who Should Consider Purchasing a License?

It’s 2021 and when it comes to analytics, as a marketing leader you’ve got expectations. You’re not looking for something casual—you want the real deal, white picket fence and all. In fact, you want the kind of data integrity that makes other people jealous.

Whether you’re at a consumer packaged goods company or news media outlet, as a busy professional you don’t have time for inaccuracies. You need the details—down to the product or promotion—to drive your business forward.

And while anyone can have an analytics plan, there’s got to be something fueling it. Put simply: you’ve got to have actionable insights from your data to understand your customer better than ever and to make your business the best it can be. No data snoozing allowed.

Enter Google Analytics 360.

Why Google Analytics 360?

At its core, Google Analytics 360 is meant to provide a complete view of your customer base—from the moment they land on your website to their first order on your mobile app. Whether you’re in the retail business or packaging industry, knowing the ins and outs of your customers is imperative. It’s what keeps them coming back for repurchases and turning into a customer for life or dare you hope it, an advocate that refers others to your brand.

To be honest, the benefits to implementing Google Analytics 360 are too numerous to count. But here are a few of our favorites:

Be a Fly on the Wall

The beauty of analytics is that it makes it easy to understand how your users (from any channel) are engaging with your content. This means you’ll know what’s working … and what’s flopping. With Google Analytics 360, you’ll get a complete picture of how people are interacting with your sites and apps with robust reports and dashboards. This will lead to curated content they want to see, when they want it. Additionally, you can connect various systems to Google Analytics 360 to measure CRM, points of sale and other important touchpoints with your customers for a holistic view. 

Better Insights, Better Results

Think you know everything about your customers? Think again. With Google Analytics 360, you’ll take a deeper dive and discover new insights thanks to the unique machine learning capabilities. Learn which users are likely to covert thanks to a big promotion or which have high revenue potential.

With tools like Unsampled Reports, BigQuery Export, and Data Driven Attribution—in addition to the standard features and reports that already exist in Analytics—Google Analytics 360 also includes a service level agreement that covers data collection, data freshness and reporting, a higher processing limit, and access to dedicated support specialists should questions arise.

But that’s not all … Google Analytics 360 was built with Google’s advertising and publisher products (Display & Video 360, Google Ads, AdSense, AdMob and Ad Manager) in mind, making for a seamless flow of data and marketing efforts. Connect your insights from Google Analytics 360 to your advertising efforts to ensure you’re reaching the right customers with the right message.

Put Your Data to Work

No matter your industry, you need data quickly to stay nimble. Google Analytics 360’s easy-to-use interface offers shareable reports and can process huge amounts of data in a short amount of time. Concerned about inaccuracies? Don’t be. Google Analytics 360 offers built-in technical support and a global infrastructure that delivers secure, accurate data across your sites and apps all while staying in your complete control.

Still not sure if you’d like to upgrade? Consider these 10 common questions from companies about the platform and set up time to chat with our certified Google Marketing Platform Sales Partner and Google Cloud Partner team at InfoTrust today.

Ready for a change?

The InfoTrust team is ready when you are. Upgrade to GA360 and put your data to work.


  • Natalie Shawver

    Natalie Shawver is the Head of Content Marketing at InfoTrust and is a skilled and innovative marketing creative. She is responsible for guiding the direction and execution of all content-related initiatives. Drawing on her expertise in journalism and diverse experience in areas such as storytelling, video scripting, and social media, Natalie is a highly motivated individual who prides herself on her ability to meet tight deadlines. She describes herself as a passionate lover of words and thoroughly enjoys writing, editing, and generating new ideas. You can most often find her with a cup of tea and a good book in hand.

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Last Updated: August 24, 2021

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