InfoTrust Author Profile

James Love

Jimmy Love is currently the Industry Team Manager for the Healthcare & Fitness Industry Team at InfoTrust. Jimmy was a contributor to InfoTrust’s Crawl, Walk, Run Amazon best-selling book series, and a speaker at the New York City Durability Summit. Jimmy works with some of the largest healthcare and fitness organizations in the world, helping them advance their digital analytics maturity in a forward-thinking and strategic manner.

When away from his desk, Jimmy enjoys attending Cincinnati Bearcats football and basketball games, and spending quality time with his beautiful wife and dogs.

(not set) in Google Analytics: Which Reports Should You Worry About?

(not set) in Google Analytics: Which Reports Should You Worry About?

We’ve all seen it: The dreaded (not set) showing up in our favorite Google Analytics report. We’ve also heard contradictory statements about (not set)…

6-minute read
WAW Recap: Automating Real-Time Data Pipelines

WAW Recap: Automating Real-Time Data Pipelines

The final Web Analytics Wednesday of 2016 had 30 attendees present; a number we hope continues to grow as WAW returns in January of…

2-minute read
The InfoTrust Team Takes Over TopGolf

The InfoTrust Team Takes Over TopGolf

Soon after it was announced that West Chester, Ohio was adding a TopGolf location, I added it our 2016 Q3 “PPC” (Party Planning Committee)…

2-minute read
Top 5 eCommerce Metrics for Dummies

Top 5 eCommerce Metrics for Dummies

I never thought I would start off a blog post with a quote from Ashton Kutcher, but it is 2016, so here goes nothing:…

7-minute read
ROI Tip: Running Search Ads in Niche Markets

ROI Tip: Running Search Ads in Niche Markets

Return on Investment. “ROI.” It’s become a cliché buzzword, I won’t disagree with that, but the fact it’s been regularly used in business conversations…

3-minute read
InfoTrust goes to a Cincinnati Cyclones game!

InfoTrust goes to a Cincinnati Cyclones game!

Last Wednesday InfoTrust attended a Cincinnati Cyclones game at US Bank Arena, getting VIP treatment at the All Access Bar & Grill. Despite a…

2-minute read
When Should an Agency Begin Managing Your Online Advertising?

When Should an Agency Begin Managing Your Online Advertising?

Congratulations, your company has been growing! You’re probably already invested in online advertising, whether search, display, or both, but it’s beginning to overwhelm you….

6-minute read
InfoTrust Maintains "Bing Ads Accredited Professional Company" Status

InfoTrust Maintains "Bing Ads Accredited Professional Company" Status

InfoTrust is pleased to announce that, after once again completing our certification exam, we will remain a Bing Ads Accredited Professional company for another…

2-minute read
Webinar Download: Enhancing the Consumer Shopping Experience with GA

Webinar Download: Enhancing the Consumer Shopping Experience with GA

Last week we had a special webinar guest: Marcia Jung, Ecommerce Product Manager at Google! She joined Amin Shawki, Analytics Manager at InfoTrust, in…

2-minute read
[Whitepaper] Closing the Loop on Marketing for Higher Education

[Whitepaper] Closing the Loop on Marketing for Higher Education

Digital technology has changed the rules of engagement with prospective students and redefined the college experience. From high school seniors to underemployed adults, students…

2-minute read
How I Increased CTR by 300% using AdWords Callouts

How I Increased CTR by 300% using AdWords Callouts

In early September, Google announced the roll out of Callouts, a new ad extension in AdWords. Callouts allow advertisers to show unique offers and…

3-minute read
Here is Why Paid Search Advertising is Important in Higher Education

Here is Why Paid Search Advertising is Important in Higher Education

In today’s competitive higher education landscape, everyone is looking for an edge. While traditional marketing mediums such as radio, billboards, and television commercials still…

4-minute read