Breaking the Millennial Norm: 10 Years at InfoTrust

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August 3, 2022
Breaking the Millennial Norm: 10 Years at InfoTrust

We’ve all heard the data on millennials job hopping: one in five have changed jobs within the past year, and three in five are open to new job opportunities. Long gone is the boomer mindset of loyalty and dedication to a single employer. That being said, I’ve been more than happy to buck this trend, as just recently in June I celebrated my ten (10!) year anniversary at InfoTrust.

A Bit of History

While InfoTrust was my first full-time salaried position out of college, it was not my first full-time role, as I had three internships that preceded InfoTrust. While they were all fantastic experiences (and I suggest anyone in college engage with as many internships as possible!), none of them had the “it” factor I was looking for once I graduated. 

The first had great people, but a quiet office cluttered with 10-foot-tall cubicle walls, siloing any chance of collaboration or colleague camaraderie. The second had a stunning open-office environment, but a politically-driven culture of backstabbing and bringing others down to elevate yourself. And the third simply didn’t have an identity or a forward-thinking plan to remain relevant as technology upended their industry. I was disappointed that I hadn’t found my dream job, but undeterred! I felt confident these experiences would eventually help me land what I had been looking for.

In 2012, as I was preparing to work my last summer as a student at the University of Cincinnati rec center (go Bearcats!) I received an unassuming message from my good friend Amin about a small Cincinnati-based startup needing additional marketing help. When I found out it paid more than double compared to my intramural sports officiating job at the rec center, I figured I’d give it a shot! And the rest is history …

The early days! From left to right: Amin Shawki, Jimmy Love, co-founder Michael Loban

Why InfoTrust?

Unlike my previous internships, InfoTrust checked all the boxes I was looking for: an open-office environment, brilliant colleagues, supportive and transparent leadership, an uplifting culture, philanthropic community involvement, and an emphasis on disruptive technology. For example, within my first two years at InfoTrust we developed the game-changing Tag Inspector platform! I immediately knew I didn’t want my time at InfoTrust to end as an intern, and after six months of working on exciting and ambitious projects, I received a full-time offer the day I graduated UC.

While InfoTrust is unique in so many ways, we do not operate in a space without competitors, as there are dozens of other Google partners and analytics consulting agencies in the United States alone. However, InfoTrust stands out in a crowd of giants. We are the largest privately-owned Google partner in the world, allowing us to remain autonomous, debt-free, and even have our own foundation giving back to communities in need both local and around the world. We also don’t answer to a board of directors or shareholders who may have short-term interests in mind. Would a board of directors approve our “no-layoff” pledge in early 2020? And most importantly, the core values of InfoTrust have not faltered from the day I joined as an intern to 10 years later as an Industry Team Lead.

My good friend and colleague Amin recently shared his thoughts on hitting his own 10-year anniversary milestone, and I encourage you to read the three core reasons he’s so proud of his time at InfoTrust because I could not word it any better.

I’ve seen InfoTrust evolve from a five-person digital marketing consulting company to a 120+ person end-to-end analytics organization, and I cannot wait to discover what’s in store over the next ten years!

InfoTrust is hiring!

The InfoTrust team can't wait to meet you! Consider applying to one of our open positions today.


  • Jimmy Love is currently the Industry Team Manager for the Healthcare & Fitness Industry Team at InfoTrust. Jimmy was a contributor to InfoTrust’s Crawl, Walk, Run Amazon best-selling book series, and a speaker at the New York City Durability Summit. Jimmy works with some of the largest healthcare and fitness organizations in the world, helping them advance their digital analytics maturity in a forward-thinking and strategic manner.

    When away from his desk, Jimmy enjoys attending Cincinnati Bearcats football and basketball games, and spending quality time with his beautiful wife and dogs.

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Last Updated: August 3, 2022