5 Things to Know Before Getting Started with Google Campaign Manager

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes
July 14, 2020
Google Campaign Manager Getting Started

Google Campaign Manager (formerly DoubleClick Campaign Manager) is the ultimate tool for many marketers and companies. Brands can create ads, A/B test, target advanced audiences, and optimize media scheduling.

Before you dive head-first into Google Campaign Manager, however, prepare yourself and your team for all the marketing glory to come. Here are five things to know before you get started with Google Campaign Manager.

1. Own Your Network

Maintain control over all your company’s advertising data by owning the network via a direct contract with Google. Doing this allows you access to all campaigns, spend, and costs associated with your advertising. Plus, when you own your network, you can choose who has access and at what level.

2. Edit With Caution

Unlike most digital platforms Google Campaign Manager does not allow you to edit a number of fields after they’ve been saved. In order to maintain a clean and user-friendly Campaign Manager account, we recommend planning the account structure ahead of time. When you are then ready to begin setting everything up, start with one advertiser or one parent and child advertiser to see how everything works.

3. Make the Most of User Management

Google Campaign Manager offers some of the best user management in the digital marketing space. You’ll be able to select from built-in access levels or create fully-customized groups, which give you total control over who can access what in your network.

4. Use Parent/Child Advertisers

“Parent” advertisers house and control all the settings, linking, and Floodlight configuration. Rather than duplicating everything to three similar advertisers, consider using “child” advertisers. This relationship saves time and allows for a clean network set up.

5. Custom Variables are Lifesavers… Trust Us

Set up a custom variable to capture valuable information without creating 50 different Floodlight activities. Many companies want to capture promotions on specific promo URLs. A custom variable showing all visited URLs will allow you to do this without creating individual Floodlights for each URL. Reporting on these variable is a breeze with the filters option.

Google Campaign Manager Questions?

If your team or organization has questions around setting up or creating a strategy around Google Campaign Manager, reach out to InfoTrust today.


Originally Published: June 5, 2019

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