The InfoTrust Foundation Support Students, Refugees, and Google Marketing Platform Partners Affected by War in Ukraine

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes
March 31, 2022
The InfoTrust Foundation Support Students, Refugees, and Google Marketing Platform Partners Affected by War in Ukraine

CINCINNATI — As war continues to tragically affect individuals, families, and businesses in Ukraine and Russia—and in a less violent manner, the rest of the globe—the team at InfoTrust has searched diligently for ways to take action and help those in dire need of support. 

For many InfoTrust team members, this war is very personal; both of InfoTrust’s founders were born in Ukraine and have family and friends who have an unimaginable reality of armed conflict taking place in their backyards.

At InfoTrust, we believe “our success is someone else’s miracle;” today, there are so many people impacted by this war that need that miracle. The team at InfoTrust has launched three initiatives via the InfoTrust Foundation—a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit in response.

  1. March 3: The InfoTrust Foundation made a monetary donation to a church in the suburbs of Warsaw, Poland, that is hosting a large number of refugees from Ukraine.
  2. March 5: With the support of our partners at Google, InfoTrust teamed up with DELVE to raise funds for Google Marketing Platform Partners in Ukraine. These emergency funds are being distributed to OWOX, Newage, and Admixer for things like transportation, legal support, mental health support, and general living expenses. “Business as usual” has been heavily disrupted for these companies, and we feel it is important to extend a hand to our fellow GMP Partner community members. As of March 30, more than $15,000 has been raised.
  3. March 24: The University of Cincinnati Foundation officially launched the InfoTrust Foundation Scholarship Fund. The annual scholarship will be used to support international student(s) at the University of Cincinnati who are from Ukraine or Russia or who have been directly impacted by the Russia-Ukraine conflict. InfoTrust’s headquarters are in Cincinnati, and many team members are UC alumni.

“This war is personal to me,” InfoTrust CEO Alex Yastrebenetsky said. “My parents just recently were able to get out of Ukraine themselves, so I want to do everything I can to help others.”

To support the InfoTrust Foundation in these efforts, please consider donating to the InfoTrust Foundation or to the scholarship fund directly through the University of Cincinnati Foundation website. We sincerely appreciate your help, and above all else, hope for peace in Ukraine very soon.

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Last Updated: September 20, 2022

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