I’m very excited to announce that InfoTrust is now an official Google Analytics Certified Partner!

Google Analytics Certified Partners are consultancies with recognized expertise in the field of web analytics and have exceptional impact on their clients’ businesses using Google Analytics™, an enterprise-class online measurement tool.
As a Google Analytics Certified Partner, InfoTrust offers a variety of services to help clients make the most out of Google Analytics, including enterprise analytics and reporting standardization, advanced feature implementations, website optimization, and more.
Thanks to our clients for giving us the opportunity to really push Google Analytics to global enterprise level, and a particular thanks to Michael Loban for his passion towards teaching Google Analytics and other digital marketing topics.
Finally, a huge thanks to Google for recognizing our expertise. As our analytics clients know, we are huge fans of the Google Analytics platform, and we look forward to having a closer relationship with Google and more insight into the future of Google Analytics.
About Google Analytics Certified Partner program
Google Analytics is the free, enterprise-class web analytics solution that gives you rich insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness. With features that are powerful, flexible and easy-to-use, companies large and small can analyze their traffic data in order to create more effective marketing initiatives and optimized websites. For more information, visit www.google.com/analytics.
The Google Analytics Certified Partner Program is a highly qualified global network of companies specializing in Google Analytics, a free, enterprise-class online measurement tool. Businesses of all sizes can work with a Certified Partner to receive professional help with training, implementation, customizations, and consulting services to make their websites and marketing campaigns more effective. Certified partners are carefully vetted by Google and meet rigorous qualification standards. For more information about the program, visit http://www.google.com/analytics/consultants_criteria.html.