Real-Time Google Analytics and Profile Data

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minute
May 21, 2012

Here is a real-life question we were asked during a recent training:

How come my Google Analytics Profile only shows traffic to a section of the site but Real-Time report shows everything?

Google analytics real time

An important thing to remember is that the Google Analytics Real-Time Report does not support profile filters. What that means is that it shows all unfiltered traffic at Account-level. You can use content or location tab to apply a report-time filter.

google analytics real time

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Article written by Alex Yastrebenetsky


  • Alex Yastrebenetsky

    Alex Yastrebenetsky is a founder (and CEO) of InfoTrust. Known as "The Brain" (Pinky and the Brain) around the office, he enjoys traveling with his wife and young children.

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