Here’s Why DoubleClick Belongs in Large Organizations’ Analytics Arsenal

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

The digital marketing landscape is a complex terrain to travel. With so many different channels and ways to engage your customers, you can’t settle for merely knowing your customers’ age, rank and serial number anymore.

To maximize your marketing efforts you need much more insight into customers’ traits and habits, and to leverage that insight in as many relevant ways as possible. You need a reliable tool that can bring together the information gathered from multiple digital channels and streamlines how you engage with your customers.

That’s why you need DoubleClick in your digital analytics arsenal.


DoubleClick is a suite of different advertising solutions, including:

  • DoubleClick Search, to aggregate and organize all your paid search campaigns;
  • DoubleClick Bid Manager, to bid for placing ads across tons of different platforms and partners – particularly display ads, YouTube, video-rich media, and other premium publisher systems
  • DoubleClick Campaign Manager, which helps you organize and report across all of your activity and all of your advertising campaigns online.

These solutions work together to give you insights that your normal analytics solution might not provide in full depth.

Perhaps the best feature is that DoubleClick can give you more rich insight into pre-click activity, and how that ties in with post-click activity.

Double Click


When consumers see ads online there is information — like impressions – which only lives within DoubleClick or the solution that you’re actually using, such as Google Search, or Baidu or Bing. It exists in a silo away from your enterprise analytics solutions, such as your web analytics software, or your CRM database, etc. That means it is not as valuable as if you were to integrate it all together and share that insight around.

With any enterprise analytics solution, particularly with Google Analytics 360 which is where InfoTrust has the most experience, you can connect to your DoubleClick marketing platforms and solutions such as Doubleclick Search, Doubleclick  Bid Manager and Doubleclick Campaign Manager, with GA 360 as well as bring in that offline data from your CRM database (or your product database or other platforms) using the importing and merging capabilities.

As a result, you have a holistic view of all of the interactions or touchpoints that your consumers might have with your brand.

GA360 Integration

For example, you could know how many times someone sees an ad or what type of targeting or audience were included within, how often someone is clicking, or what cost or spend they have across all those different advertising solutions that are managed by DoubleClick. Also, using your web analytics platform, once they land on your site or your app, you could find out what they are clicking on.

How are they engaging? What content are they consuming? What products are they adding to their cart? Are they purchasing? Are they converting? Are they signing up? All of these things that you have tracked in your enterprise solution you can now tie to that pre-click, pre-session data and activity like impressions or clicks and the cost of them.

Then you can overlay your CRM back-end data about users and bring all that into Google Analytics or DoubleClick directly. This includes data such as how often they might engage with your customer service reps or go to your offline outlets, offline stores, or engage with you separately from your digital platforms. This will allow you to advertise more selectively, and be more intelligent and targeted with your audience groups because then not only are you advertising to anybody who matches your advertising criteria, but also your other data sets and the metrics you are collecting around your consumers.

All of this information might be tracked in other analytics software or other analytics tools in your system. However, plugging that into DoubleClick allows you to target more effectively, reduce advertising costs and waste, and really focus on high lifetime value customers that drive your bottom line.

Traget Audience


DoubleClick can and should fit with your analytics solution, whatever that may be. It doesn’t replace it. There are tons of reporting capabilities within the DoubleClick suite and platform. DoubleClick enhances and allows further targeting and audience capabilities and insights to be made when you bring all these solutions together — so it is very much a complementary tool to your analytics software and analytics platforms. It really takes your advertising capabilities to a different level with the targeting and audience building capabilities powered by the rich data sets you are likely already capturing.

If you want more information about how you can effectively leverage the DoubleClick platform, bringing in more insights and automated capabilities with your analytics software, InfoTrust can help.  We have experience with integrations across the board, particularly with the Google suite of products and now as a DoubleClick certified marketing partner as well!

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  • Amin Shawki

    Amin is Head of Growth at InfoTrust and comes from humble beginnings as a Social Media Intern. Wearing multiple hats and having had multiple roles, including most notably starting and leading the expansion in Dubai, UAE for InfoTrust, Amin enjoys working with the international team across many different clients and projects to drive growth and new innovations for the company. Never against a chill night playing some Settlers of Catan but always up for an adventure to try new things.

Originally Published: February 26, 2018

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August 4, 2023
Originally published on February 26, 2018

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