How InfoTrust is the Best Friend and Reseller of Media Platforms to Agencies

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes
September 25, 2024
How InfoTrust is the Best Friend and Reseller of Media Platforms to Agencies

Agency life can be hard. There are a TON of variables and surprises bombarding you daily. Renewal wrenches are thrown. A key set of employees move on to their dream jobs. New AI processes are being put in place, creating short-term friction for potential long-term efficiency.

The last thing you need to worry about is losing your business to your client’s media platform reseller. 

There are a host of problems that can come from clients going with just any reseller or the rock-bottom cheapest one. Transparently, some resellers provide rock-bottom pricing because they plan on profitability through clawing away the business of other agencies under contract. There, I said it. If they don’t upsell you during the year, you can expect less attention, slower replies, and truly feel like you were transacted a license and that’s it.

If you work at an agency and have been burned by a reseller agency in the past OR are looking for a reseller to‌ work with you and collaborate, read on. InfoTrust plays nice in the sandbox and ensures we can help you grow client business.

Below are four buckets of how we can help.

A Reseller, Not a Competitor

Deep down, we don’t just want to be a reseller. That’s transactional. 

Your reseller partner needs to have a full view of the playing field. If your partner doesn’t understand end-to-end analytics processes, data warehouses, data compliance, and how these all fit into your current and future tech stack, there will be friction and headaches in the future. 

Many resellers have an expert or two in Google Analytics 4 (GA4), Display & Video 360 (DV360), Search Ads 360 (SA360), or Campaign Manager 360 (CM360). We have industry verticals with multiple experts across each. The thing we don’t have?

  • We don’t manage media.
  • We don’t do SEO.
  • We don’t write content.
  • We don’t do CRO (but will ensure tracking is set up, attribution is agreed on, and your A/B tests are stored in your data warehouse).
  • We don’t do creative. 

Yes, InfoTrust is a privacy-centric analytics agency. We don’t do the above bullets, but we do have analytics experts with backgrounds in these areas, as well as continued training so we don’t operate in a silo. 

Activation on Media through First-Party Data Ownership

Our team understands the value of first-party data, how it’s collected, and how you as the agency can generate a larger ROI on your campaigns with it. Some companies use InfoTrust to make sure they track events from the start. Others use us for attribution based on regression, while others use us for server-side implementations to grow first-party data. We’re able to be a true partner that doesn’t just focus on data clarity, but ensuring revenue can be tied to your analytics and license investments. 

We not only consult with agencies and with clients, but some agencies will entirely outsource their first-party data strategy to InfoTrust, and bring us on as a partner in that capacity. Regardless of how we connect with an agency, it starts with the clients in mind in what will be most effective in terms of ROI and analytics advancement.

Training and Expertise Consolidation

If there’s one word we’ve heard about agencies this year, it’s consolidation. Disparate agencies lead to inefficiencies and can suck the time out of a team.

InfoTrust can provide training to our agency partners as well as to their clients. Far from just a GA4 training partner, InfoTrust is able to train on:

  • Consent Management Platforms (CMP)
  • DV360 
  • CM360
  • SA360
  • BigQuery
  • Optimizely
  • Google Tag Manager (as well as others like Tealium)
  • Executive and C-Suite training for defining sources of truth and attribution.

CMP Compliance

A consent management platform, like OneTrust, doesn’t just help sites adhere to ever-changing data privacy laws and regulations, but ensures a consumer has the appropriate choice of what they want to share with a site. 

When set up poorly, clients risk GDPR and CCPA fines. ‌At a larger and more impactful level, they risk the trust of their potential customers and current clients.

This doesn’t fall into the wheelhouse of many agencies, and that’s OK to avoid being a jack-of-all-trades situation. InfoTrust is brought in to consult, meet directly with clients, but also to tap into our CMP monitoring solution, When there are massive sites or multiple sites needing to be monitored, this solution leads to numerous client benefits, savings, and again—shows that you as the media agency are looking out for the client’s best interests. 

Navigating a world of resellers can be difficult. We’re investing in privacy-centric, end-to-end analytics solutions and hiring those experts to ensure you have a valuable partner just a zoom away.

Ready for a privacy-centric, end-to-end partner?

Our team of experts is here whenever you need us.


Last Updated: September 25, 2024

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