InfoTrust Author Profile

Salik Asghar

Salik Asghar is a Digital Analytics Consultant at InfoTrust, where he partners with multiple clients to understand their business needs and provide strategic recommendations for optimizing their tracking and analytics. He specializes in Google Tag Manager (GTM) and Google Analytics 4 (GA4) implementation, assisting with setup, troubleshooting, and ensuring accurate data collection. Outside of work, Salik is a dedicated Los Angeles Lakers fan and never misses a game—no matter the time or place.
What is Cookieless Targeting and How to Set It Up for 2025

What is Cookieless Targeting and How to Set It Up for 2025

With third-party cookies being phased out due to privacy laws and changes in browsers, marketers need to find new ways to target customers. Cookieless…

5-minute read
Setting Up Google Analytics 4: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Setting Up Google Analytics 4: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

In the digital age, data plays a crucial role in decision-making for businesses. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a powerful tool that enables website…

3-minute read
5 Best Practices for Configuring Data Streams in Google Analytics 4

5 Best Practices for Configuring Data Streams in Google Analytics 4

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, understanding and effectively utilizing data has become crucial for businesses to thrive. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) offers a…

3-minute read
3 Ways to Ensure Your Tag Events Are Firing Correctly

3 Ways to Ensure Your Tag Events Are Firing Correctly

Tags can be tricky and simple at the same time. The concept behind the Universal Analytics (UA) event tags are simple. Three values are…

5-minute read
How Do I Land a Job at InfoTrust?

How Do I Land a Job at InfoTrust?

How does one land a job at InfoTrust? The question itself is a loaded one. There is no magic answer that I can give…

4-minute read
How a Science Degree in Kinesiology Applies to the Tech Space

How a Science Degree in Kinesiology Applies to the Tech Space

Growing up in a minority household, my parents always wanted me to be a doctor. I decided to pursue that option and I majored…

3-minute read

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