How to Know If Your Website Is at Risk of Non-Compliance

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes
August 27, 2024
How to Know If Your Website Is at Risk of Non-Compliance

As we all know, websites collect tons of consumer data, and that data drives much of the advertising and marketing we see online. 

With data collection comes the responsibility to comply with both our customer’s privacy preferences and global privacy laws, which are getting stricter around the world. If you’re unable to follow the rules or respect your customers, your business could face serious consequences.

Why Compliance Matters

Privacy laws, like those in Europe (GDPR) and California (CCPA), require companies to:

  • Be transparent about their data collection practices
  • Offer customers choices about how their data is used
  • Allow the same customers to delete their data if they wish 

Failing to do this can ultimately tarnish your brand, which could lead to a loss in your current and future consumer base and the revenue that comes from it.

On top of that, some privacy laws in the United States allow individuals to sue companies directly if their data is mishandled, while other global laws allow governments to distribute fines to organizations who purposefully (and accidentally) remain non-compliant.

So, how can one quickly get a grasp on whether their website(s) is in compliance? That’s where our Compliance Risk Report comes in.

What Is It?

The Compliance Risk Report helps companies identify where your website might be at risk, so you can fix issues before they become big problems. It looks at four main areas where your website could be at risk:

  • Advertising Platforms: These platforms collect data to show personalized ads. Privacy laws require you to get consent from users before using their data this way. The report shows which advertising platforms are collecting data on your site and how they are configured to behave according to consent choices.
  • Wiretapping Platforms: Platforms like chatbots and session replays (which record user interactions) can lead to wiretapping claims. The report identifies these platforms on your site, helping you take action to avoid legal issues.
  • Data Brokers: These companies collect data from various sources and sell it to marketers. Because of the potential for misuse, privacy laws are cracking down on data brokers. The report highlights any registered data brokers collecting data on your site, so you can ensure they’re following the rules.
  • Piggybacking Platforms: Sometimes, third-party tags on your website load other tags without your knowledge. This “piggybacking” can lead to data collection that you didn’t authorize, which is a major compliance risk. The report uncovers these hidden tags, so you can regain control over your website.

Stay Ahead of Risks

With new advertising tools popping up all the time, keeping your website compliant is more challenging than ever. If your website isn’t following the rules, you risk fines, lawsuits, and damage to your brand.

Get ahead of compliance risks with InfoTrust’s Compliance Risk Report. Click here to submit your contact information and the website you’d like us to evaluate. We’ll analyze your site and provide the information you need to keep your business safe and compliant, while still allowing your team to collect data for overall company growth.

Your website is a valuable asset—make sure it’s protected.

Wondering if your website is compliant?

Our team is here to help whenever you need us.


Last Updated: August 27, 2024

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