The Cookie Doesn’t Crumble: What to Know About Chrome’s Change of Plans for Third-Party Cookies

The Cookie Doesn’t Crumble: What to Know About Chrome’s Change of Plans for Third-Party Cookies

For four years, Google has asserted their plans to deprecate support for third-party cookies in the most widely used web browser on the market,…

7-minute read
Finding the Light: Keys to Competitive Advantage in the Privacy-Centric Era

Finding the Light: Keys to Competitive Advantage in the Privacy-Centric Era

It’s no secret that the 21st century to date has been a boon for advertising. With consumers flocking to the internet for all of…

12-minute read
Fact or Fiction? Sorting Out Claims about Third-Party Cookie Deprecation

Fact or Fiction? Sorting Out Claims about Third-Party Cookie Deprecation

With third-party cookie deprecation in Chrome just around the corner (now set for the start of 2025), organizations understandably have many questions and misconceptions…

9-minute read
Understanding First, Second, and Third-Party Data

Understanding First, Second, and Third-Party Data

You’re likely already seeing first-party and third-party terminology everywhere you look if you work in analytics, marketing, and all-things digital. But have you heard…

6-minute read
Chrome Delays Third-Party Cookie Deprecation: What Advertisers Need to Know

Chrome Delays Third-Party Cookie Deprecation: What Advertisers Need to Know

Forgive me if you’ve heard this before … Google Chrome is delaying the deprecation of third-party cookies. After the initial timeline of 2020 (We’re…

5-minute read
Lessons and Learnings from the Cookieless Now Summit London

Lessons and Learnings from the Cookieless Now Summit London

Today’s marketing and advertising environment can often feel like chaos. Google Chrome deprecating support for third-party cookies, although no true date for when. A…

12-minute read
The Privacy Risk of AI: Automated Decision Making and Compliance Considerations

The Privacy Risk of AI: Automated Decision Making and Compliance Considerations

As third-party cookie deprecation is quickly approaching, many platforms are introducing AI capabilities promising greater utility with less data. Organizations can rely on features…

7-minute read
Shaping Tomorrow: Emerging Data Privacy Trends for 2024

Shaping Tomorrow: Emerging Data Privacy Trends for 2024

Each year Data Privacy Day provides a necessary reminder of the importance of embedding privacy into all business‌ activities. The fact that it is…

11-minute read
California Delete Act: A Quick Guide for Marketers and Advertisers

California Delete Act: A Quick Guide for Marketers and Advertisers

The California Delete Act was signed into law on Oct. 10, 2023. The new law will make it easier for California consumers to enact…

6-minute read
Cookieless Measurement: An Introduction to Browser Measurement APIs

Cookieless Measurement: An Introduction to Browser Measurement APIs

“How will we measure campaign effectiveness?” “How will we report conversions?” “Will attribution still be possible?” These are common questions from advertisers as they…

5-minute read
Respecting Privacy Rights: How to Handle Health Data Collection in Analytics and Advertising

Respecting Privacy Rights: How to Handle Health Data Collection in Analytics and Advertising

The past year has seen a significant increase in the focus on the privacy of health data. Beginning with the guidance released by the…

9-minute read
Privacy Impacts on Customer Experience: What Leaders Need to Know

Privacy Impacts on Customer Experience: What Leaders Need to Know

TL;DR Increasing privacy regulations will continue to force change on organizations’ customer experience due to third-party cookie deprecation and the impact of technical changes on first-party…

5-minute read

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