Google Analytics 4 Update: February 2022 – InfoTrust’s Strategic Approach & Recommendations

Google Analytics 4 Update: February 2022 – InfoTrust’s Strategic Approach & Recommendations

Introduction Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a new iteration not only of Google Analytics (GA) as a tool, but also as a way of…

5-minute read
5 Key Benefits of Google Analytics 4 for Retailers

5 Key Benefits of Google Analytics 4 for Retailers

As we enter 2022, you might be hearing a lot of talk around migrating to Google Analytics 4 (GA4), dual-tagging your website, or finding…

6-minute read
Tagging & Testing Events in Google Analytics 4: Make the Most of Your Data

Tagging & Testing Events in Google Analytics 4: Make the Most of Your Data

In our previous post, we looked at translating your events from a Universal Analytics (UA) nomenclature to Google Analytics 4’s (GA4) event-based nomenclature. In…

4-minute read
Back to the Basics: Google Analytics 4

Back to the Basics: Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4, GA4, and Google App + Web: With different terms being thrown around regarding Google Analytics’ latest update, what it can do,…

7-minute read
Google Analytics 4: An Introduction to Predictive Metrics

Google Analytics 4: An Introduction to Predictive Metrics

My wife and I welcomed our first child, Leon, to our family last year. His arrival brought sleepless nights, lots of time inside playing…

3-minute read
Why Executive Teams are Resisting Google Analytics 4 (and What You Can Do to Change Their Minds)

Why Executive Teams are Resisting Google Analytics 4 (and What You Can Do to Change Their Minds)

Few can dispute that the future of analytics will be driven by machine learning and artificial intelligence. With Google’s launch of Google Analytics 4…

9-minute read
Introduction to Google Analytics 4

Introduction to Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 provides comprehensive insights into the user journey, combining website and app experiences into a single platform. It helps businesses understand their…

7-minute read
Google Analytics 4 Resources for Marketers and Analytics Pros

Google Analytics 4 Resources for Marketers and Analytics Pros

[Editor’s note: This article was last updated on June 8, 2022. New resources will be added as they become available.] October 2020 brought with…

4-minute read

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