How to Migrate Universal Analytics Events to Google Analytics 4

How to Migrate Universal Analytics Events to Google Analytics 4

With the latest Google announcement about sunsetting Universal Analytics (UA) in the second half of 2023 (effective July 1 for the standard properties but…

5-minute read
Google Analytics 4 Reporting: Locating Reports

Google Analytics 4 Reporting: Locating Reports

If you’re thinking the Google Analytics 4 (GA4) reporting interface has changed quite a bit, you are not alone. Upon initial login the interface…

3-minute read
Google Analytics 4 Privacy Updates: What They Mean For Your Business

Google Analytics 4 Privacy Updates: What They Mean For Your Business

2022 has been a busy year for Google Analytics (GA) in the domain of privacy. In February, the Austrian DPA announced the use of…

6-minute read
3 Reasons You Can’t Trust Automatic Tracking in Google Analytics 4

3 Reasons You Can’t Trust Automatic Tracking in Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has added many new features. One of the most important is called “Enhanced Measurement”. This will automatically track offsite links,…

3-minute read
5 Benefits of Using Google Firebase

5 Benefits of Using Google Firebase

What Is Firebase? Firebase is Google’s Backend-as-a-Service (BAAS) solution for mobile app development. Originally, it was developed and launched in 2011 by Firebase Inc….

4-minute read
5 Core Differences between Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4

5 Core Differences between Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4

In March, Google announced that it will sunset Universal Analytics (UA) in 2023. This change means you need to start the transition to Google…

4-minute read
Back to Basics: Audit and Implementation

Back to Basics: Audit and Implementation

Wondering what an audit and implementation is or why you should consider conducting one for your organization? Today, we’re going back to the basics…

9-minute read
All About Firebase Dynamic Links – Manage Your Mobile App Campaigns Better

All About Firebase Dynamic Links – Manage Your Mobile App Campaigns Better

The Challenge: Why Do We Need Dynamic Links? With hardware and technology advancement, our leads and customers are consuming content faster with each passing…

10-minute read
Why Your Healthcare Org Should Upgrade to Google Analytics 4 Right Now

Why Your Healthcare Org Should Upgrade to Google Analytics 4 Right Now

You probably saw the news, but in case you’ve been blissfully unaware, Google just announced that their beloved Universal Analytics (UA) will sunset on…

6-minute read
Top Things to Know from InfoTrust + Google’s Virtual Crypto, Finance, and Insurance Summit

Top Things to Know from InfoTrust + Google’s Virtual Crypto, Finance, and Insurance Summit

Financial services make up one of the economy’s most important and influential sectors today and the need for established data governance and analytics practices…

6-minute read
What I Know about Digital Analytics from Buying a House

What I Know about Digital Analytics from Buying a House

I honestly wasn’t sure if I could even buy a house, especially since I didn’t know where to begin—but to my surprise, my career…

5-minute read
Universal Analytics 360 Sunset Date Extended to July 2024: How Does This Change My Plans for Google Analytics 4?

Universal Analytics 360 Sunset Date Extended to July 2024: How Does This Change My Plans for Google Analytics 4?

Important Update as of October 27, 2022 Google announced that Universal Analytics 360, the enterprise platform, will have the sunset date extended from October…

8-minute read