On October 7, the White House announced an “Executive Order: On Enhancing Safeguards For United States (US) Signals Intelligence Activities.” President Biden did this…
The plight of Google Analytics in the EU continues as the Danish DPA issued a press release regarding the use of Google Analytics for…
You’ve seen the statistics. It’s no secret that in today’s marketing environment users expect a higher level of personalized communication while at the same…
On Aug. 24, California’s Attorney General announced a settlement for $1.2 million with a powerhouse beauty retailer (Sephora) due to a violation of consumer…
In an age where technology and data are ubiquitous, it is more important than ever to protect the information of individuals. Personal data can…
**Important – This is not legal counsel, the materials provided are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice….
**Important – This is not legal counsel, the materials provided are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice….
As always, this is meant to be general guidance and should not be viewed as legal advice. Please consult with your legal counsel to…
As always, this is meant to be general guidance and should not be viewed as legal advice. Please consult with your legal counsel to…
Facebook (aka Meta) is one of the most common platforms implemented via tag management platforms. And until recently, the client side “pixel” has been…
The experienced digital analytics consulting team at InfoTrust is proud to share that Tag Inspector Product Manager and data privacy leader Lucas Long was…
Organizations without data governance rules occasionally find themselves imitating the “Confused Travolta” meme when employees move on or contractor services are discontinued. Why is…
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