It’s 2021 and when it comes to analytics, as a marketing leader you’ve got expectations. You’re not looking for something casual—you want the real…
Introduction You have read plenty of articles, seen your fair share of webinars, and attended more online summits than you can count—all in the…
For companies that use Google Marketing Platform (GMP), the integrations with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offer ample opportunities to further refine and optimize their…
In the past, when a customer visited your site, looked at a product, and navigated away, even if they never explicitly identified themselves, you…
Google Analytics 4, GA4, and Google App + Web: With different terms being thrown around regarding Google Analytics’ latest update, what it can do,…
In June, InfoTrust hosted a Durability Summit, where we discussed what it means to build a sustainable digital analytics marketing practice, considering all the…
By now, you’ve likely heard Google Chrome will be removing the ability to use third-party cookies in 2022. Safari and Firefox have already removed…
Google Data Studio is a fairly prevalent tool for organizations using the Google marketing and analytics stack. Not only is Data Studio simple, free…
Recently, I worked for a large financial institution on the client side, leading a global enterprise-wide team that served 12 million customers and more…
Universal Analytics (UA) was released in 2012. Nearly a decade later, Google launched the most significant analytics platform upgrade in that span with the…
Table of Contents In late 2020, I conducted and wrote an analysis about the “state of the retail industry” based on the growing marketing…
If you are evaluating your Business Intelligence (BI) platform or are curious about what else exists, there’s no shortage of platforms to choose from….
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