Google Analytics 101: Scheduling Emails

Google Analytics 101: Scheduling Emails

So to continue on my previous post about Using Alerts, I decided to write another short blog post about an easy to use, and…

4-minute read
Google Analytics 101: Using Alerts

Google Analytics 101: Using Alerts

Google Analytics provides so many different ways to slice web traffic data into multiple dimensions, metrics, and customizable views.  Sometimes it can be overwhelming to look…

5-minute read
InfoTrust is now a Google Analytics Certified Partner

InfoTrust is now a Google Analytics Certified Partner

I’m very excited to announce that InfoTrust is now an official Google Analytics Certified Partner! Google Analytics Certified Partners are consultancies with recognized expertise…

2-minute read
How to Block Internal Traffic to Your Website from Google Analytics
Linking Google Analytics and Webmaster Toolkit

Linking Google Analytics and Webmaster Toolkit

In one of our future posts we will cover the benefits and the features of Google Webmaster Toolkit, but lets begin by discussing how…

3-minute read
Ensuring Google Analytics is Running Properly

Ensuring Google Analytics is Running Properly

Once you’ve pasted the necessary JavaScript code into the pages you wish to track with Google Analytics, there are a handful of ways to…

3-minute read
InfoTrust Web Analytics Resources

InfoTrust Web Analytics Resources

A few days ago I started to organize all of our Analytics training resources and as a result I’ve created the first article in…

2-minute read
What do I do when my traffic exceeds 10M hits per month?

What do I do when my traffic exceeds 10M hits per month?

Congratulations, you are in the prestigious club of web analysts who get to work on a web property that generates over 10M hits per…

2-minute read
Introduction to Google Analytics Sampling

Introduction to Google Analytics Sampling

First, lets begin by discuss what sampling is. According to Wikipedia:

4-minute read
2011 Web Analytics Review InfoGraphic
8 reasons why Google Analytics Real-Time is so awesome

8 reasons why Google Analytics Real-Time is so awesome

I have recently become a huge fan of Google Analytics Real-Time. In this blog post we will quickly review some important tips about using…

4-minute read
Real-Time Google Analytics and Profile Data

Real-Time Google Analytics and Profile Data

Here is a real-life question we were asked during a recent training:

2-minute read

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