Blogging in a Time of Crisis – How it Can Improve Web Traffic

Blogging in a Time of Crisis – How it Can Improve Web Traffic

When the going gets tough, the tough work harder. Since it is clear that the country is in recession, the job of any marketeer…

8-minute read
Barack Obama Got His Dream Job, Can I? How Social Media Won

Barack Obama Got His Dream Job, Can I? How Social Media Won

In many ways, Barack Obama broke the rules of how things in politics are done. But today, I rather not talk about politics, and…

3-minute read
Let’s Talk About WordPress Maintenance

Let’s Talk About WordPress Maintenance

Create a New User Account:

3-minute read
8 Quick Tips for WordPress Maintenance

8 Quick Tips for WordPress Maintenance

Here are some recommendations and tips to use when building a WordPress site:

2-minute read
8 Quick Tips for WordPress and SEO Optimization

8 Quick Tips for WordPress and SEO Optimization

Tips for WordPress and SEO Optimization: Set pretty permalinks Switch blog name and post title to ‘post title – blog name’ Give robots directions….

2-minute read