Understanding First, Second, and Third-Party Data

Understanding First, Second, and Third-Party Data

You’re likely already seeing first-party and third-party terminology everywhere you look if you work in analytics, marketing, and all-things digital. But have you heard…

6-minute read
When in Cebu: A Gastronomic Dive into Filipino Work Culture

When in Cebu: A Gastronomic Dive into Filipino Work Culture

Imagine this: you’re an office-going, coffee-addicted American suddenly transplanted into the warm, communal canteen of an InfoTrust Philippines office in Cebu City. The experience?…

5-minute read
Chrome Delays Third-Party Cookie Deprecation: What Advertisers Need to Know

Chrome Delays Third-Party Cookie Deprecation: What Advertisers Need to Know

Forgive me if you’ve heard this before … Google Chrome is delaying the deprecation of third-party cookies. After the initial timeline of 2020 (We’re…

5-minute read
Deploying Digital Analytics Changes at Scale for CPG and Multi-Brand Organizations

Deploying Digital Analytics Changes at Scale for CPG and Multi-Brand Organizations

The digital analytics industry is going through seismic shifts, and it is important for CPG organizations to stay abreast of the changes and stay…

5-minute read
Lessons and Learnings from the Cookieless Now Summit London

Lessons and Learnings from the Cookieless Now Summit London

Today’s marketing and advertising environment can often feel like chaos. Google Chrome deprecating support for third-party cookies, although no true date for when. A…

12-minute read
How Data Maturity Can Cultivate a Data-Driven Culture

How Data Maturity Can Cultivate a Data-Driven Culture

Data-driven decisions are a buzz topic in Martech. It is essential for C-suite executives to understand and more importantly, use their data to move…

4-minute read
Community Impact: InfoTrust Volunteers Make a Difference at Rise Above Foundation

Community Impact: InfoTrust Volunteers Make a Difference at Rise Above Foundation

This March, ‌InfoTrust employees from the Cebu, Philippines office embarked on a heartfelt mission to provide sustenance and support to the most vulnerable members…

3-minute read
A South Asian First: Sri Lanka’s Personal Data Protection Act

A South Asian First: Sri Lanka’s Personal Data Protection Act

I know I covered India’s DPDPA first, but, as it turns out, Sri Lanka beat them to the punch. Sri Lanka’s Personal Data Protection…

6-minute read
Google Analytics 4 Implementation Checklist: Ensure You’re Tracking Everything You Need

Google Analytics 4 Implementation Checklist: Ensure You’re Tracking Everything You Need

In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, data is supreme. Understanding user behavior, preferences, and interactions on your website is crucial for making informed…

4-minute read
What Is Consent Mode in Google Analytics 4 and How Does It Work? | A Beginner’s Guide

What Is Consent Mode in Google Analytics 4 and How Does It Work? | A Beginner’s Guide

Consent Mode in Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a helpful tool for website owners to respect user privacy preferences when it comes to tracking…

4-minute read
Building Connections and Community in Cebu: A Glimpse into InfoTrust’s Vibrant Culture

Building Connections and Community in Cebu: A Glimpse into InfoTrust’s Vibrant Culture

At InfoTrust, fostering connections and nurturing community spirit isn’t just a commitment; it’s a way of life. Over the past quarter, our efforts to…

4-minute read
How to Integrate Google Analytics 4 with BigQuery for Enhanced Data Analysis and Reporting

How to Integrate Google Analytics 4 with BigQuery for Enhanced Data Analysis and Reporting

Has your business found that its reporting needs require advanced analysis of your analytics data beyond what is practical in the Google Analytics 4…

4-minute read
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