I found myself doing a lot of research this weekend and as a result here comes this post with tips and ideas for how…
Andrew DeWitt and Alex Yastrebenetsky travelled to NKU to learn more about the center of Applied Informatics and mobile and web academies. They were…
Alex Yastrebenetsky, Chris Walker, and the OINK-PUG members
So I have been working on some web development projects that required me to create multiple html elements with dynamic data pulled from a…
So to continue on my previous post about Using Alerts, I decided to write another short blog post about an easy to use, and…
Google Analytics provides so many different ways to slice web traffic data into multiple dimensions, metrics, and customizable views. Sometimes it can be overwhelming to look…
We’d like to congratulate Xavier Leadership Center on their recent article published in Cincy Magazine: A Magazine for Business Professionals. We’re very excited for…
While most Americans enjoy the Olympics with social media freedom – blogging, tweeting, and Facebooking to their heart’s content, many Olympic athletes are complaining about unprecedented social media…
I’m very excited to announce that InfoTrust is now an official Google Analytics Certified Partner! Google Analytics Certified Partners are consultancies with recognized expertise…
Congratulations to Amin Shawki for passing the Google Analytics Qualification test!
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