The 3 Most Common E-Commerce Issues of 2014

The 3 Most Common E-Commerce Issues of 2014

Here at InfoTrust, we have the pleasure of working with some very large (and wonderful) e-commerce companies. Our role is to help these companies…

8-minute read
Webinar Download: Enhancing the Consumer Shopping Experience with GA

Webinar Download: Enhancing the Consumer Shopping Experience with GA

Last week we had a special webinar guest: Marcia Jung, Ecommerce Product Manager at Google! She joined Amin Shawki, Analytics Manager at InfoTrust, in…

2-minute read
5 Ways to Grow E-Commerce Conversion Rate This Holiday Season

5 Ways to Grow E-Commerce Conversion Rate This Holiday Season

It’s that time of year again. The leaves are turning, it’s starting to get cold outside, and the holidays are right around the corner….

6-minute read
[Whitepaper] Closing the Loop on Marketing for Higher Education

[Whitepaper] Closing the Loop on Marketing for Higher Education

Digital technology has changed the rules of engagement with prospective students and redefined the college experience. From high school seniors to underemployed adults, students…

2-minute read
Analytics That Excite 2014: A HUGE Success!

Analytics That Excite 2014: A HUGE Success!

Avinash Kaushik talking to the 250+ attendees during his keynote speech at Analytics That Excite 2014. Analytics That Excite 2014, the first web analytics…

2-minute read
Analytics That Excite: The Intersection of Marketing + Technology

Analytics That Excite: The Intersection of Marketing + Technology

According to Gartner, by 2017, CMOs will be spending more on IT than their counterpart CIOs ( This is not surprising for two reasons:…

3-minute read
How I Increased CTR by 300% using AdWords Callouts

How I Increased CTR by 300% using AdWords Callouts

In early September, Google announced the roll out of Callouts, a new ad extension in AdWords. Callouts allow advertisers to show unique offers and…

3-minute read
The Top 5 Marketing Metrics for Higher Education

The Top 5 Marketing Metrics for Higher Education

The higher education landscape is becoming increasingly competitive. Prospective students can research colleges wherever they are, whether it be online at home, on a…

6-minute read
8 Reasons Why You Should Attend Analytics That Excite 2014

8 Reasons Why You Should Attend Analytics That Excite 2014

We are extremely excited that InfoTrust will be hosting Analytics That Excite 2014, the first web analytics conference to be held in Cincinnati. What is Analytics…

4-minute read
Here is Why Paid Search Advertising is Important in Higher Education

Here is Why Paid Search Advertising is Important in Higher Education

In today’s competitive higher education landscape, everyone is looking for an edge. While traditional marketing mediums such as radio, billboards, and television commercials still…

4-minute read
Top 10 Digital Marketing & Analytics Blogs

Top 10 Digital Marketing & Analytics Blogs

Nowadays, everybody has a blog. For those of us in the digital marketing and/or analytics realm, keeping up with the latest (and greatest) blogs…

5-minute read
Making Goals Easy with Google Tag Manager

Making Goals Easy with Google Tag Manager

Goals are one of the most powerful tools in Google Analytics.  They give you the ability to track your business objectives on your website…

5-minute read