Quick Tip: Google Analytics Real-Time For Testing Filters

Quick Tip: Google Analytics Real-Time For Testing Filters

There is nothing quite as good as instant results.  When I want to see if some sort of marketing tactic or campaign is working,…

4-minute read
Custom Search Engine for Top Google Analytics Blogs

Custom Search Engine for Top Google Analytics Blogs

In today’s modern digital age, marketers like myself are constantly seeking out shortcuts to find exactly what we want. In fact, that’s why Google…

2-minute read
Hands On Involvement With The InfoTrust Team
10 Web Analytics Resolutions for 2013

10 Web Analytics Resolutions for 2013

New Year’s is the ideal time for making resolutions (that we keep until the second week of January). It seems like everyone around me…

5-minute read
Google Analytics Special Profiles + Filters: 3rd Party Analytics Tools

Google Analytics Special Profiles + Filters: 3rd Party Analytics Tools

In spirit of the holiday season, some of the InfoTrust gang went on a road trip!  This week, Andy, Andrew and I are attending…

4-minute read
Google Tag Manager adds more support for marketing tags

Google Tag Manager adds more support for marketing tags

Just fresh off Google Analytics Blog, Tagging just got easier: Built-in templates for popular tags in Google Tag Manager. Using a marketing tag template is…

2-minute read
Google Analytics Reporting: Goal Flow

Google Analytics Reporting: Goal Flow

Two weeks ago I wrote about the Visitors Flow Report in Google Analytics and how it can visually display the navigation visitors take while…

3-minute read
Internal Training is Back at InfoTrust!

Internal Training is Back at InfoTrust!

One thing everyone asks me about during the interview process for InfoTrust is training.  And, of course, I respond that we love and value…

2-minute read
2012 Mobile Website Usage Whitepaper

2012 Mobile Website Usage Whitepaper

While things like daily deals and social networks are creating a new type of inbox, mobile devices and technologies are also shaping the ways in…

2-minute read
InfoTrust – A Salesforce Registered Consulting Partner

InfoTrust – A Salesforce Registered Consulting Partner

Over the past few months InfoTrust has earned many new certifications. We’re a Google Analytics Certified Partner, a Google Analytics Premium Authorized Reseller, (GMP…

2-minute read
Understanding, Measuring and Participating in the Consumer Journey

Understanding, Measuring and Participating in the Consumer Journey

Often we look at Google Analytics, Omniture or any other analytics platform to understand what our consumers want. We have to consider, however, that…

4-minute read
Volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House

Volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House

The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Cincinnati provides a supportive “home away from home” for families and their children who are receiving medical treatment at…

2-minute read